spring 2016 bloggiesta

Spring 2016 Bloggiesta Begins!

My original to-do list was in my Bloggiesta sign-up post, but I’ll recap it here:

  • Update my books and review links on LibraryThing, where my catalog still looks like 2015
  • Get acquainted with the other members of my Bookish Mastermind Group and figure out what we want from it
  • Do at least one other mini-challenge, to be decided during the week, Since I already have a LibraryThing task on my agenda the LT challenge is a strong contender, but I’m eyeballing the Litsy challenge too!
  • Assess The 3 R’s Blog at 90 days self-hosted. I moved the blog to self-hosted WordPress just before Christmas, and I want to assess whether I want to make any changes its look and feel. My focus will be on the following:
    • Design–I don’t foresee changing the theme at this time, but I may tweak fonts and colors
    • Related: Finish the Master Customizer CSS course
    • Tags and categories still need some work
    • Considering adding a page of favorite or “showcase” posts
  • Audience Participation Question for those of you on self-hosted WordPress: I’d love to know your favorite recommended plugins–please share in the comments! (Can this count for the Blog Critique mini-challenge?)

I may not get much done with any of this during the week–it’ll be a busy one at the office–but this Bloggiesta runs through next Sunday. (And I have next Monday and Tuesday off as my extended Birthday Weekend, so I may be having an extended Bloggiesta as well!)


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Things to Do for Spring Bloggiesta

Things to Do for Spring Bloggiesta

So this happened yesterday, and I didn’t mention it here: It’s my 9th #blogiversary! No new post today, but please stop by & say hello! https://t.co/ONqn1jukIM pic.twitter.com/HgN57pCD1s — Florinda PVasquez (@florinda_3rs) March 16, 2016 I mentioned a couple of weeks ago that I probably wouldn’t make much of a to-do over this particular blog birthday, and I still feel that way. That said, a blogiversary always feels like a particularly appropriate time to sit back and […]

Welcome, BEA, BBCon, and Armchair BEA Visitors!

Welcome, BEA, BBCon, and Armchair BEA Visitors!

This is a sticky post for the week of May 23-27. Please scroll down for new material! Whatever has brought you here today, thanks for stopping by! This week, I’m participating in Armchair BEA while on-site in New York City for Book Expo America and the Book Blogger Convention…so I’m here, but not here. I will be checking in frequently, though, so please leave a comment to let me know you visited! This is a […]

I am four years old today – and it’s Day 2 of my Blogiversary Giveaway!

I am four years old today – and it’s Day 2 of my Blogiversary Giveaway!

You only have one fourth birthday, but I’m taking two days to celebrate the 4th Blogiversary of The 3 R’s Blog: Reading, ‘Riting, and Randomness! The festivities began yesterday, and here’s a quick recap of what’s going on. I opened sign-ups for two read-alongs. Well, I hope they’ll be read-alongs – I’m planning to re-read both of these books this year, and I’d love to have company to discuss them with! Fellow re-readers and first-timers […]

HELP WANTED (Again): Guest Blogger Positions Available!

HELP WANTED (Again): Guest Blogger Positions Available!

Image by kandyjaxx via Flickr ANNOUNCEMENT: POSITIONS AVAILABLE for Guest/Substitute Bloggers! I got a gratifyingly good response to my invitation to guest bloggers during my vacation last summer, and as I have something coming up later this month that will probably take me off-blog for a couple of weeks, I thought I’d put it out there again. One-time opportunity for guest contributors to The 3 R’s Blog during my upcoming recovery from shoulder surgery, which […]

BBAW 2010: Future Treasures – Blogging Goals and Going Forward

BBAW 2010: Future Treasures – Blogging Goals and Going Forward

BBAW 2010:  A Treasure Chest of Infinite Books and Infinite Blogs Friday—Future Treasures We’ve been visiting each other and getting to know each other better…now is your chance to share what you enjoyed about BBAW and also what your blogging goals are for the next year! I feel like I didn’t get to participate in BBAW as much this year, but I’m not sure that’s accurate. I blogged on the daily topic every day and […]

Welcome to The 3 R’s Blog!

Whether you’re visiting The 3 R’s Blog for the first time because we met at BlogHer’10 or you’re a regular, I’d like to welcome you and thank you for coming by! Please visit my About Me and My Blog page to get some idea of what you’re in for around here. I’ve been here since March 2007, and I blog primarily, but not exclusively, about books.  You can find all book-inspired posts under the “reading” […]

HELP WANTED: Guest Bloggers – up to 6 positions available!

HELP WANTED: Guest Bloggers – up to 6 positions available!

ANNOUNCEMENT: POSITIONS AVAILABLE for 1 to 6 Guest/Substitute Bloggers! One-time opportunity for guest contributors to The 3 R’s Blog during my upcoming vacation Must be available between June 14 and June 25, 2010 Qualifications and Requirements: Must be able to write an engaging blog post for a diverse audience (book bloggers, mom bloggers, other niche bloggers, niche-less bloggers, and non-bloggers – women and men, various ages and cultural backgrounds) Posts must be original, but do […]

Programming Notes: or, the lamest excuse for a post ever

It’s been a busy week – one Ugly Project after another at work, and helping to prepare for Armchair BEA on the side. Speaking of which…115 people were signed up to participate when I last checked, and it’s still not too late to join us! all the news is now being communicated through Armchair BEA’s very own blog! I’m really enjoying being part of the team that’s bringing this event together – and making it […]

A change of face: help me choose a new avatar! Plus, *THIB* tonight!

A change of face: help me choose a new avatar! Plus, *THIB* tonight!

My husband is a very good amateur photographer, but he’s always working on improving his skills. He’s been interested in pursuing portrait photography for a while, and is starting to assemble some of the tools he needs for that – backdrop, reflectors, etc. – in addition to his digital SLR camera (a Canon 5D Mark II, for those of you who know about that stuff). He spent some time testing his setups on himself this […]

State of the Blog: It’s this baby’s third birthday!

State of the Blog: It’s this baby’s third birthday!

A message for those participating in The Sparrow Read-along: Discussion questions are posted at Age 30+…A Lifetime of Books today. You don’t have to be finished with the book to participate in the discussion, and you can post your answers any time prior to March 30 (that is the date your review should be posted). My own responses will go up tomorrow, since I have something else on the blog calendar today – read on! […]

Commenting Commentary (Weekly Geeks 2010-7)

Commenting Commentary (Weekly Geeks 2010-7)

The current Weekly Geeks topic is one dear to the hearts of most bloggers, and one that I obsess over to a ridiculous degree – COMMENTS! Well, to be fair, I obsess a lot more about getting them than giving them – I don’t think I do so badly in the latter department, if I say so myself. It’s also rather timely, since as you may have seen, I recently installed a new commenting system […]