Musings on March, or reading through Birthday Month:
This is the first month in 2010 that I am not committed to any book tours or scheduled reviews, other than the one I’ve set for myself with The Sparrow Read-a-long. After several weeks of having my reading planned by my calendar, I’m feeling a little at loose ends. It’s not like I don’t have a shortage of books on hand, which is why giving up buying them for six weeks isn’t as tragic as it sounds (but please have no doubt that it IS a sacrifice!).
I have all of the “pending review” books without a date commitment in one place…and I would hate to tell you how long some of them have been there. I have set aside the books I plan to read for the Women Unbound Challenge, and have knocked off a couple of those already. I haven’t segregated the books on my list for the Blogging Authors Reading Project, but I’ve made a little dent in that too. I had put aside the books I chose for the Shelf Discovery Challenge, but haven’t even begun reading for that, and it ends next month – I’m also two books short of the six required!
Anyway, it seems like a month without specific review commitments would be a great opportunity to chip away at all those challenges, and that’s my plan. However, most of the books on my TBR shelves don’t fall into any of those categories – and they call out to me too. I’m torn. I find that I like the structure and focus that reading from challenge lists and my review calendar give me…but sometimes I’d like to ditch them. I really don’t want to wait until all of my commitments are met before I can read at random, and yet the idea of reading without that structure is inspiring something it rarely has before – guilt.
Have you experienced that too? Have you found a balance that works for you? Or am I over-thinking the whole thing?
BOOKKEEPING: The Reading Status Report
Reviews posted since last report:
The Wives of Henry Oades, by Johanna Moran (TLC Book Tour)
Hypocrite in a Pouffy White Dress, by Susan Jane Gilman (Women Unbound, RYOB Challenge, Memorable Memoirs Challenge)
Next reviews scheduled:
Janeology, by Karen Harrington (Blogging Authors Reading Project)
New to my LibraryThing “To Read” Collection:
The Lost Summer of Louisa May Alcott, by Kelly O’Connor McNees (for an upcoming TLC Book Tour)
Undress Me in the Temple of Heaven, by Susan Jane Gilman
At Large and At Small: Familiar Essays, by Anne Fadiman
Kitchen Chinese: A Novel, by Ann Mah
Red Hook Road, by Ayelet Waldman (to be published July 2010)
Husband and Wife, by Leah Stewart (to be published May 2010)
The Nobodies Album, by Carolyn Parkhurst (to be published June 2010)
BOOKMARKS: Reading-related Reading
Alternatives – well, procrastination tactics – to writing that book review; reviewing review requests, from both sides of the e-mail
Self-promotion mistakes authors make, and how they kill the magic; writers make jobs
101 reading suggestions for your book group; might we suggest some narrative nonfiction, as Kim does in her new recurring feature? (Here’s her first list.)
Discussion: When’s the “right” time to review an ARC – early for buzz, or later, nearer publication, for buyers? (Personally, I tend to go with the second option. I like to read about books when they’re actually available.)
Book discussions: Insights from Heather J., Anna, and Dreamybee‘s group read of The Handmaid’s Tale (another one on my TBRR – “to be re-read” list); Vanessa and friends discuss The Help with author Kathryn Stockett and Katie Couric
When did you last choose to read a book you thought you’d hate? Amy wants to know.
What goes on behind the doors of the school library
Have a great reading week!