Due to low participation during September, I chose to hold publishing the next edition of THE BOOK BRIDGE till October. I’ve reopened submissions with the form in a new post–please look for it there!
What book were you most excited about reading last month? Share it in this month’s edition of The Book Bridge, where we’re connecting each other to great reads worth talking about.
Remember, you do NOT have to be a book blogger to participate! If you’re an avid reader who talks about books on Goodreads, Litsy, or social media (some people do Twitter book reviews, right?) I invite you to help build this month’s Book Bridge!
Time to build another Book Bridge at The 3 R's Blog! Submissions are open. Click To TweetMaybe the book that excited you most was one that provoked, unsettled, or even infuriated you. Or maybe it was a glorious joy from Page 1 to “The End.” Either way, do you think it’s a book that others should be reading and talking about? Then tell us about it so we can get into the conversation!
Please use the form embedded in this post to submit the book that most excited you during August.
I will keep this invitation as a sticky post for two weeks (until September 21). After it closes, I’ll put together a post that includes all the submissions.
I’m really looking forward to seeing the books you have to share this month!