TV doesn’t seem to have “seasons” any more. I grew up with the arrival of fall meaning the start of both the school year and the new TV shows. Shows that didn’t last the full season were replaced in late winter, and summer was “rerun season,” which was basically a good excuse to leave the TV off and get out of the house to enjoy the long evenings (or stay in and catch up on […]
Category: randomness
OOPS! and OUCH! Also, I am not left-handed.
I may look like I’m back this week, y’all, but it’s a bit of an illusion. Most of the upcoming posts this week were written either while I was on vacation or before I left, and the vacation recaps will be delayed for a little while. It’s hard to type with one hand, especially when it’s not your good one, and I may be in that position for a few weeks. You may have already […]
By the time you get this, I’ll be gone (again)
We’re taking the train from Washington DC to New York City this morning, but we’ve had a pretty good week in our nation’s capital. The end-of-week weather was beautiful (hot and humid, of course, but clear and sunny), we pretty much figured out the Metro, and we got some great pictures, despite the fact that my camera decided to become temperamental and will be taking its own vacation to the Canon Factory Service Center after […]
BBAW is Coming Back – Awards and All!
It’s barely summer yet, but some of us are already looking ahead to the fall, and the third annual Book Blogger Appreciation Week in September! What: Book Blogger Appreciation Week is a week-long festival celebrating the community of book bloggers and their contribution to preserving a culture of literacy through book reviews and recommendations, reading reflections, and general bookish chat. BBAW events include daily blogging topics, blogger interview swaps, special guest posts, and so much […]
Week-End Review 6/11: “I need a vacation!” Edition
It’s only the 11th, but this is the last Week-End Review that I’ll post during June! I’m bringing my MacBook on vacation with me, but am not planning on spending much time on blog-related business. The “mark all as read” button in Google Reader will most likely get quite a workout during the next two weeks, which means I probably won’t be gathering too many links! If all goes according to plan, the Review should […]
Week-end Review: Annoucements + links!
Event Annoucement: I can’t participate this time, unfortunately, since I’ll need to be packing for vacation that weekend, but if you’ve got the time, you’ll find it well worth it to join in Bloggiesta #3, scheduled for June 11-13! If Bloggiesta is new to you, here’s what it’s all about: In short, it’s a blogging marathon. A opportunity to cross those nagging items off of your to-do list and improve your blog while in the […]
HELP WANTED: Guest Bloggers – up to 6 positions available!
ANNOUNCEMENT: POSITIONS AVAILABLE for 1 to 6 Guest/Substitute Bloggers! One-time opportunity for guest contributors to The 3 R’s Blog during my upcoming vacation Must be available between June 14 and June 25, 2010 Qualifications and Requirements: Must be able to write an engaging blog post for a diverse audience (book bloggers, mom bloggers, other niche bloggers, niche-less bloggers, and non-bloggers – women and men, various ages and cultural backgrounds) Posts must be original, but do […]
Armchair BEA: An Interview with the “Masterful” Michelle!
This is Armchair BEA‘s official “networking” day, in which participants were given the chance to interview one another, and I got the chance to ask some questions of Michelle from Michelle’s Masterful Musings. I’ve known Michelle for a while via both her blog and Twitter. She’s a married mother of two and a fellow member of the Book-Blogging Accountants Club, and she’s been blogging since early 2009. Michelle is also one of the organizers of […]
Week-End Review goes to the Movies (& comes back with some links)
Last Weekend (movie) Reviews: Twofer at the Theater Iron Man 2Action/Drama, 2010Starring: Robert Downey Jr., Gwyneth PaltrowDirector: Jon Favreau While “origin stories” are interesting, I’ve found that when it comes to certain movie franchises, I like the sequels more. We know how the hero became who he (or she) is, and now we can just watch them do their thing. This is especially gratifying when the hero is facing a strong and equally intriguing nemesis […]
Programming Notes: or, the lamest excuse for a post ever
It’s been a busy week – one Ugly Project after another at work, and helping to prepare for Armchair BEA on the side. Speaking of which…115 people were signed up to participate when I last checked, and it’s still not too late to join us! all the news is now being communicated through Armchair BEA’s very own blog! I’m really enjoying being part of the team that’s bringing this event together – and making it […]
Week-End Review 5/14: “Just For the Pun of It” Edition
Scroll on down past the links for the Silliness of the Week! It shouldn’t take you too long to get there, since I’m a little light on linkage this Friday. It happens when I get behind on my blog-reading, which has definitely been the case this week (and it may be next week as well)! Posting in general may be lighter than usual next week, period, since I’ll be focused on preparing posts and doing […]
The convention that comes to you – be part of *Armchair BEA*!
Word’s starting to get out about this, but just in case you haven’t read about it yet: Despite how it might feel if you read a lot of book blogs, not everyone is going to BEA and/or the Book Blogger Convention later this month – and shouldn’t those of us who are staying home get to have some fun too? Late last week, some Twittering book bloggers realized that while we might not be in […]