Books for Baltimore: It’s the 2010 Dewey Donation Drive!

Books for Baltimore: It’s the 2010 Dewey Donation Drive!

The Dewey Donation System is back online and kicking off its 2010 Book Donation Drive! Have you met Dewey? Born in 2006, he’s the offspring of author/roller-derby queen Pamela Ribon‘s efforts to help struggling public libraries through her website and “Tubey’s Kids,” the charity initiative started by Television Without Pity (TWoP) and its co-founder David “Glark” Cole. Dewey previously helped bring in books and raise funds for libraries in Harrison County, Mississippi, Negril, Jamaica, […]

Just imagine the stories we’re making!

Just imagine the stories we’re making!

How Active is Your Imagination? You Have an Active Imagination Your mind is churning and producing new thoughts all the time. You are definitely good at imagining. You can visualize events pretty easily, and you’re not bad at thinking up new ideas. Believe it or not, you could be a bit more imaginative. All you have to do is give yourself permission. Spend a few minutes each day daydreaming. It’s good for you, and who […]

Where did the summer GO? (Into my blog, it seems…)

Where did the summer GO? (Into my blog, it seems…)

Days that don’t follow the normal routine – get up, go to work, come home – seem to exist in a different time stream, pulled out of the calendar and somehow blown away somewhere. The “normal” days can become compressed together, and suddenly it’s later than I thought – time has certainly flown, but there seem to be holes in it. The last few months have had more than their share of out-of-the-norm days, and […]

Rumors of the death of blogging…

Rumors of the death of blogging…

…may be at least mildly exaggerated. I hope they are, anyway, and I’m looking for others who feel the same way. (8/19/10, 6:00 PM – EDITED TO UPDATE): I’ve decided to keep this post on top for an extra day or two. It’s generating some great conversation, and I’d like to keep it front and center! In addition to being one of my favorite authors, Beth Kephart is one of my favorite bloggers, and I […]

Sunday Salon: The Books of BlogHer’10

Sunday Salon: The Books of BlogHer’10

I’ve been to New York City twice this summer, and I’ve yet to get to the Strand Bookstore! It was actually on the list of things Melissa and I wanted to do when we were in the City for BlogHer’10 last weekend, but between a pretty full conference agenda and my inability to follow the walking directions I got from Google Maps, it didn’t happen. But don’t feel too sorry for me – I came […]

Welcome to The 3 R’s Blog!

Whether you’re visiting The 3 R’s Blog for the first time because we met at BlogHer’10 or you’re a regular, I’d like to welcome you and thank you for coming by! Please visit my About Me and My Blog page to get some idea of what you’re in for around here. I’ve been here since March 2007, and I blog primarily, but not exclusively, about books.  You can find all book-inspired posts under the “reading” […]

Cupcakes with Jennifer Weiner, and a Book Giveaway!

Cupcakes with Jennifer Weiner, and a Book Giveaway!

This is my week to be surrounded by smart, inspiring, funny women. I’m currently in New York City at BlogHer’10, and this past Monday night, I was at Vroman’s Bookstore in Pasadena in the entertaining company of best-selling author Jennifer Weiner. I don’t read a lot of “chick lit,” but I do read Jennifer Weiner‘s fiction – she’s been a favorite of mine since her first novel, Good in Bed. Her best characters are conflicted, […]

Comic-Con Show and Tell: The Words

Comic-Con Show and Tell: The Words

Please see yesterday’s post for a Comic-Con photo album! Comic-Con International. San Diego, California. Four days of pop culture at its finest – and sometimes its edgiest, and strangest. For some participants, it barely touches on comics at all, unless the comic has some connection with a movie or TV show. Tall Paul and I only experienced the first two days of Comic-Con 2010, Thursday and Friday, July 22 and 23. By the time we […]

Comic-Con Show and Tell: The Pictures

Comic-Con Show and Tell: The Pictures

Comic-Con International. San Diego, California. Four days of pop culture at its finest – and sometimes its edgiest, and strangest. For some participants, it barely touches on comics at all, unless the comic has some connection with a movie or TV show. Some of Comic-Con is pretty much what you’d expect from the name. About 1/4 of the Exhibit Hall floor was taken up by small comic-book dealers and independent artists and writers, while another […]

BlogHer is coming. Look busy.

BlogHer is coming. Look busy.

It’s that time again, folks…the time when hundreds of blogging women (and a few good blogging men) start talking about the big annual conference they’ll soon be attending, and hundreds of other bloggers either commiserate, turn green with envy, eagerly follow every detail, or get sick of the whole thing and tune it all out. This will be my second year attending the BlogHer Conference, and it’s nice to have some idea what to expect […]

Tuesday Tangents: State of the Shoulder update

Tuesday Tangents: State of the Shoulder update

It’s been 12 days since I dislocated my right shoulder. I’ve been cleared to return to work as of today. However, I still can’t drive myself anywhere and I only have rides to work lined up for today and tomorrow; and after spending two weeks of vacation public-transiting around two cities where it actually works, I’m more annoyed than usual with LA’s lack of good alternatives to car commuting. In any case, I have a […]

Taking the weekend off!

Taking the weekend off!

I’m supposed to return to work on Tuesday, and I expect it to be CRAZY after three weeks out of the office, so I’ve decided to save some of my prepared posts for the next couple of weeks and not put one up today! Besides, it’s the Independence Day holiday weekend in the USA, so we should all celebrate our freedoms – including the freedom to take a blogging break! Waving to you with my […]