Would you consider auto-responding to blog comments? Sharing this post from Blogher.com sparked a brief Twitter conversation with Dawn (links to my “shared items” from Google Reader are automatically tweeted): TooFondOfBooks: @florinda_3rs interesting article abt auto-responders. I think non-bloggers might feel invaded, less likely to visit/comment again (IMO) what do YOU think of it? florinda_3rs: @TooFondOfBooks Part of me likes it, part of me might be unnerved if I got one. I think I prefer […]
Category: randomness
Branding: The Next Generation…because it’s never too early to start building yours!
Because I’m a contributor to a mom blog, I get some e-mails and pitches from marketing people that are completely unrelated to books. I ignore many of them because they’re just not applicable to my life, but sometimes one will catch my attention. This piece was sent to me by Bettina Bocheff, who handles media relations for Catchword Brand Name Development, a company that creates names for companies and products, with a short note: “I […]
A change of face: help me choose a new avatar! Plus, *THIB* tonight!
My husband is a very good amateur photographer, but he’s always working on improving his skills. He’s been interested in pursuing portrait photography for a while, and is starting to assemble some of the tools he needs for that – backdrop, reflectors, etc. – in addition to his digital SLR camera (a Canon 5D Mark II, for those of you who know about that stuff). He spent some time testing his setups on himself this […]
Week-End Review – FoB Hangover edition
I missed the tweet originally, but my friend Mike fixed that situation with a DM: Mjfrig: Pamie linked to your blog. You’re famous! 🙂 Wait, what? A quick Twitter search turned up what he was talking about: pamelaribon: Photographic proof I was at Nerd Fest. (And this girl does have a name like a beautiful nemesis.) http://tinyurl.com/34tu5st #LATFOB Never underestimate the power of the linkage, folks – or of Twitter, for that matter. Oh, and […]
“That’s How I (will) Blog” – next Tuesday! Come and join me on Blog Talk Radio
I’m getting nervous! Next Tuesday evening, I’ll be making my debut on Internet radio as the guest of Nicole from Linus’s Blanket on her Blog Talk Radio show, “That’s How I Blog!” – where book bloggers meet to talk books, blogging, and whatever else comes up! Please plan to listen in… The show will air live at 9 PM EST on Tuesday, May 4, and will be archived for streaming and/or downloading as a […]
Week-End Review – with bonus Movie Review!
I couldn’t come up with a Question of the Week this week, so I thought I’d tell you about something else we did this past weekend. Mini Movie Review: Date Night We saw Date Night last Sunday (in the afternoon, actually – ). The basic plot was kind of ridiculous, in my opinion. Unless a movie is clearly meant to be make-believe, I’m starting to lose patience with movies that have realistic trappings but premises […]
Comic Con: The Warm-Up Act – or, how we spent our 5th anniversary
Tall Paul and I observed our fifth anniversary – of our first date – this past weekend. We’ve usually commemorated it by returning to the place we met for lunch that day, but we just learned that it’s closed. It was just as well, though, since we’d made other plans for that day. I may have mentioned previously that we’re planning to attend Comic Con International in San Diego this summer. Tall Paul went to […]
Week-End Review 4/16: Links and “Question of the Week”!
Question of the Week: Is Facebook becoming the new AOL? I have a pretty limited Facebook presence, but I know plenty of people spend nearly all of their online time there, and it seems to be getting easier to do that. Your friends and family are there, so you can keep in touch with each other via status updates, and comments on those updates can lead to actual conversation (of a sort). You can keep […]
Flea Market Finds – Tuesday Tangents (on Thursday)
It’s been almost four years since Tall Paul and I visited the monthly Rose Bowl Flea Market in Pasadena, but since we didn’t have the kids this past weekend, we decided we’d go if I wasn’t too beat after the Readathon on Saturday. I wasn’t, so we hopped into the car on Sunday morning. We’re definitely not hard-core about these things – by conventional wisdom, our arrival at nearly 10 AM could have very well […]
Friday Night with The Author Guy (Christopher Moore)
Author Christopher Moore doesn’t read at his readings, unless it’s from the voluminous notes he brings to the podium and ends up deciding not to use. He claims not to sign books at his signings, either, although he did at this one – actually, he said he’d sign whatever anyone brought up, so I hope no one brought anything except books. What he does do is a form of standup comedy with some audience participation. […]
Week-end Review: Links and Question of the Week
Question of the Week: How much attention do you give to your blog stats – and do you talk about them? Earlier this week, book bloggers were invited to participate (anonymously!) in a survey concerning blogger/publisher relations that asks some questions about blog statistics – not just about your numbers, but about your willingness to divulge them. From what I’ve seen, some of us will provide them only on request, and some of us will […]
Tuesday Tangents: “Working for the Weekend(s)” edition
I considered taking today off, actually. I haven’t had much time to write during the past few days – we were out of town for Easter weekend, and things have just been busy. Still, “Tangents” exist for those random things that don’t justify writing a full post of their own, especially on Tuesdays – but just so you know, I may be skipping some days posting here and there during the next few weeks, because […]