Week-End Review 6/11: “I need a vacation!” Edition

It’s only the 11th, but this is the last Week-End Review that I’ll post during June! I’m bringing my MacBook on vacation with me, but am not planning on spending much time on blog-related business. The “mark all as read” button in Google Reader will most likely get quite a workout during the next two weeks, which means I probably won’t be gathering too many links! If all goes according to plan, the Review should be back as of the Fourth of July weekend. But in the meantime, if there are any posts you want to make sure I don’t miss, please feel free to e-mail me the links at 3.rsblog AT Gmail DOT com.

As of Monday, this blog will be in the capable hands of a stellar fleet of generous guest bloggers. I hope you’ll be very nice to all of them, and will find their posts engaging and entertaining! I haven’t received all those posts yet – I asked for them by today, but some folks were early birds and have already sent them – so I can’t give you the complete agenda right now. However, here’s a sneak peek at some of what’s on the way:

I should have the full schedule set to include in my Sunday Salon post this weekend.

Dispatches: Links from Across the Blogiverse this Week

If you have ever, at any time, struggled with your weight, this just might resonate with you – it did with me

Is it all about the “stuff we all get”? Wondering whether generous event swag is becoming a distraction at events intended to foster blogger/brand relationships

Things no one tells you – but eventually, you learn anyway – about blogging; what’s the best way to reply to comments, assuming there actually is one (and that you do it)?

“Diesel fitter.” Go read the rest of the story, and then it’ll make sense. Speaking of stories: are happy endings underrated?

Blogthings Quiz of the Week:

You Don’t Feel Entitled
You don’t think you’re better than anyone else in this world, and you certainly don’t feel like you deserve special treatment.
And to be honest, it really drives you crazy when people think they are entitled to breaks and favors.

You believe in taking your responsibilities seriously and working your hardest.
And those habits have gotten you far. You get back what you put in, and that’s enough to make you happy.

This one is spot-on for me. Note that “entitled” does not necessarily mean the same thing as “deserving.” However, this week I think I am both entitled to and deserving of a vacation, so it’s a good thing I have one coming! ☺

Have a great weekend!

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