Plan for the weekend: Bring a book to bed!

I’ve always been one of those people who loves to read in bed. It’s part of my nighttime winding-down routine, a signal to my body that the day is done – which is why if I want to stretch out and read at any other time of day, I try to stay on the couch instead so I don’t doze off. Some nights I don’t get through too many pages before my eyes start to […]

Turnabout is fair play(?) (updated 2/21)

I got this via e-mail from one of my girlfriends last week: CLASSES FOR MEN REGISTRATION MUST BE COMPLETED BY January 31, 2008 NOTE: DUE TO THE COMPLEXITY AND DIFFICULTY LEVEL OF THEIR CONTENTS, CLASS SIZES WILL BE LIMITED TO 8 PARTICIPANTS MAXIMUM. Classes begin Febuary 2, 2008 Class 1 – How To Fill Up The Ice Cube Trays — Step by Step, with Slide Presentation.Meets 4 weeks, Monday and Wednesday for 2 hours beginning […]

Traffic complaint of the week

Traffic complaint of the week

I had the day off from work on Monday for President’s Day – and if I had any sense, I would have asked for the next week and a half off too. Unfortunately, we have auditors coming in next week so the request would have been denied. In any case, I thought I’d share what’s going on in my office’s neighborhood for the next several days, just so you might give me a little sympathy. […]

Ten on Tuesday 2-19: 10 Things You Love

Last week’s “note theme” at Work It, Mom! was “What are little things that make you happy?” That seems to be another way of looking at this week’s “10 Things You Love” Ten on Tuesday prompt, so I’m going to expand on those answers – I’ve got ten groups of things here! In no particular order: My husband’s laughMy husband’s bad jokesMaking my husband laugh at my bad jokesLaughing with my husbandWhen the whole family […]

Calling all friends of the libraries!

Calling all friends of the libraries!

Yeah, I know I’ve posted a hundred times today – a hazard of a day off at home, with kids who are old enough not to require constant attention – but this item has a timeliness factor involved. I mantioned Pamie in this week’s “Scrapactular” round-up. I’m quite sure that’s the first time she had ever heard of me, but as a fan of her old Gilmore Girls recaps on Television Without Pity, I’ve known […]

Money talks at Work It, Mom! – now with more links

(If you subscribe to a feed – yes, you’ve seen this before, sort of. I keep running into relevant links and adding them…) I’m talking about some simple ways to help kids learn about money over here. Please go and read it if you have a few minutes, and if you have any ideas or suggestions on the topic, leave me a comment either here or there (you have to join WIM to comment there, […]

Weekend assignment #203 (7) – Road trip!

Weekend Assignment #203: If you had the time, money, housesittter, etc. to pack up right now and drive somewhere out of town for a few days, where would you go, if anywhere? Here’s $500 and a prepaid car rental. Note I said driving, so wherever you pick should be in driving distance. Extra Credit: last time you got out of town for non-business reasons, what was your mode of transportation? It’s true that I enjoy […]

Every month is NaBloPoMo

Can’t wait till November for your daily-posting-for-a-month madness to start, but didn’t want to commit to the post-every-day-for-a-year requirements of Blog365? (Can’t blame you for that one…) Starting March 1, National Blog Posting Month (NaBloPoMo) is every month; you can make a month-by-month decision to post every day for thirty or thirty-one consecutive days – but you won’t be able to ease into it with a 29-day month, since it doesn’t begin till February’s over. […]

This week’s Scraptacular: love and money and stuff

“Hello” to anyone who has found their way here thanks to ShortWoman’s mention last week! New in Google Reader this weekCitizen Jane Politics, via Girl with PenDorky Dad, via …And the Pursuit of HappinessSanta Claus’ Blog (yes, really!), via Mir’s “Casual Friday” at Work It, MomNotes to Self, via Susan Wagner on BlogHer Love and stuffLove was in the air on Valentine’s Day, as might be expected. The Park Bench offered some nerd-tastic Valentine gift […]

Friday Fill-ins on Saturday

Friday Fill-ins on Saturday

Some of my favorite blog-friends are regulars at doing this meme, but it’s my first time. If I’m going to take on a weekly essay, short-answer questions should be a much easier task. I do hope it’s OK to do it on Saturday, though, since I just don’t think I can get to it on Fridays… #59 1. Snowdrops are a flower that I don’t think I’ve ever seen in real life.2. I’m going to […]

iPod Random Ten 2-15-08

The soundtrack of my drive to work this morning, with commentary: “Mr. Blue Sky,” Electric Light Orchestra, Out of the Blue(An all-time favorite of mine, and a great alarm-clock wake-up song)“Gypsy,” Suzanne Vega, Best of Suzanne Vega: Tried and True(Another all-time favorite, and not just because it shares a name with my dog; I enjoy the story and love the melody)“Cool,” Gwen Stefani, Love, Angel, Music, Baby(I’m pretty sure this one has autobiographical elements for […]

Quizzical: Instant analysis

Quizzical: Instant analysis

I enjoy those little Blogthings quizzes. They’re certainly not in-depth analyses, but they’re fun, and I have sometimes found their results surprisingly on-target. Here’s a wrap-up of several I’ve taken recently. For the quizzes I didn’t discover directly through Blogthings’ feed, thanks to the various other bloggers who pointed me in their direction. Join in on any or all, but if you do, please come back over here to share your results! I’m actually a […]