Reading Progress and Plans Am I the only one who’s underwhelmed by National Poetry Month? I’m feeling a little guilty about it, and feel the need to apologize to my more poetry-loving friends. But to be honest, unless it’s accompanied by music – which is to say, it’s a song – or it’s by Dr. Seuss, poetry is just not my thing. I certainly appreciate beautiful, expressive writing, but I’d much rather encounter it in […]
Tag: roundup

Week-End Review: TWO Questions of the Week, plus links and Randomness GALORE!
Question of the Week: What was the #1 song on the day you were born? In case you didn’t know, I had a birthday earlier this week, so when NPR’s Monitor Mix blog pointed me to the This Day in Music website, I thought it would be fun to see what song topped the charts on the day I was born. Four guys from Liverpool, England had the #1 song in the USA on March […]
Sunday Salon, Birthday Weekend Edition: Book-buying begins again!
Reading Progress and Plans I’m trying to finish reading Nothing but Ghosts by Beth Kephart this weekend, and I think I’ll accomplish that. I’ll be reviewing it in tandem with Beth’s earlier YA novel, Undercover – I may not post it till next week, though, so as not to divert attention from my review of The Sparrow (see the Read-Along note below). Both of those books count for my Blogging Authors Reading Project, as does […]

(Birthday) Week-End Review: Questions, links, and Fill-ins
Question of the Week: How do you like to celebrate your birthday? My birthday is this coming Monday, March 29. I view birthdays as our own personal holidays, although as I’ve written before, my birthday isn’t truly my own, since my mother had it first. But it’s still my day! I like to celebrate my birthday over a full weekend when it works out. Last year, it fell on a Sunday and my stepkids had […]

Week-end Review, Weekly Question – End of Winter (?) Edition
Question of the Week: “Who’s ready for Spring?” I realize that it’s probably a bit unfair for someone who lives in Southern California to complain about winter, and I’m really not doing that. We don’t have very distinct seasons here, after all – “winter” weather is cooler but rarely requires bundling up, unless it’s against the rain. We’ve actually had a good amount of rain this year, which after several years of drought was quite […]
Sunday Salon 3/14: Halfway through the Book-Buying Ban!
I’m not including a formal Bookkeeping Status Report section in this post, but I’ll give you a quick update, in accordance with Unfinished Person‘s efforts to keep me honest in meeting the aims of the Sunday Salon: I am making good progress with my re-read of The Sparrow by Mary Doria Russell, as part of the Read-along I’m co-hosting. Read-along-ers, please don’t forget the “in-progress” discussion Heather J. is hosting at Age 30+…A Lifetime of […]
I’m back – just in time for the Week-End Review!
Question of the Week: “Where have you been for the last couple of days, Florinda? What’s going on?“ I know, I know…I’ve been AWOL. Sorry, y’all! I’ve got a few posts in the works, but none ready to go up just yet, and I just haven’t been able to carve out the time to write much this week, so I decided I’d skip a couple of days rather than toss up a placeholder post. I’m […]
Sunday Salon 3/7: The Festival is coming! The Festival is coming!
April 24-25, 2010, at UCLA The books, the authors, and the book bloggers are coming to the largest public book event in America – will you come, too? Last year, the LA Times Festival of Books was the site for a great first-time meet-up among a group of book bloggers from all around Southern California, and a few from further north who came down for the weekend. In a crowd and in various combinations, we […]
Week-end Review, 3/5/10: Links from across the Blogiverse
Question of the Week: Do you have a Social Media Policy? Some bloggers have developed and posted their comment policies, but this is a bit more wide-ranging: Do you have a Social Media Policy? Amy posted hers, and I’m thinking I’ll follow her lead with one of my own. It will become part of my “About Me and My Blog” page (yes, I have one of those now), and I’ll post the whole thing once […]
Sunday Salon: The “marching on” edition
Musings on March, or reading through Birthday Month: Since I’ve given up book-buying for Lent (see below), I won’t be adding much to TBR Purgatory between now and the end of March, which is not necessarily a bad thing. However, Easter doesn’t come until a week after my birthday, which means I’ll have to delay gifts to myself (or using bookstore gift cards that I might receive – hint, hint) just a little longer, which […]

Week-end Review: Links from all over!
My Questions of the Week this week concern comments, and I hope they will generate some! 1) Has commenting activity been slow on your blog this week? It’s definitely been quiet here, and I’m hoping it’s not something I said! Two out of four posts since Monday got no comments at all, which is always disappointing. But if I’m not the only one in the blogiverse who’s not generating much conversation lately, it will be […]
Sunday Salon: Bookkeeping, Bookmarking…and Nagging!
ENCORE! The Re-Run Section (if you haven’t read ’em before, they’re New to You!) In case you missed the big announcement on Tuesday, here’s a quick encore: I am co-hosting a Read-Along of Mary Doria Russell’s The Sparrow with Heather J. from Age 30+…A Lifetime of Books and Rebecca of The Book Lady’s Blog. It’s a re-read for us, but we’d love for both first-timers and other re-readers to join us! To help get you […]