Week-end Review, Weekly Question – End of Winter (?) Edition

Question of the Week: “Who’s ready for Spring?”
I realize that it’s probably a bit unfair for someone who lives in Southern California to complain about winter, and I’m really not doing that. We don’t have very distinct seasons here, after all – “winter” weather is cooler but rarely requires bundling up, unless it’s against the rain. We’ve actually had a good amount of rain this year, which after several years of drought was quite necessary and (mostly) welcome; it’s a pleasure to look outside and see green growth on the hillsides. I’m hoping for a damp spring too, so things won’t already be brown and dusty by May.
Still, considering the record snowfalls other parts of the country have seen this year, I’m sure many of you have FAR more impatience than I do to see the end of winter! The Spring Equinox arrives this weekend – can you tell if winter getting out of its way where you live?
Spring is my favorite time of year, even though its arrival here is really quite subtle. It just happens to coincide with some things I’m really looking forward to:
  • My birthday (March 29), which will be a three-day weekend for me (who wants to ruin their birthday with working?)
  • The end of my Lenten Book-Buying Ban!
  • Taking my husband to his first book signing (Christopher Moore at Vroman’s, April 9)
  • The LA Times Festival of Books! (April 24-25) (Let me know if you’re going – plans for a meet-up are in the works!)
  • The Lost series finale (May – not that I’m glad to see it end, but I’m anxious to see how it ends)
  • Ending Spring and welcoming Summer on the East Coast during our family vacation to Washington, DC and New York City (June)
Have you had enough of Winter 2010?
What are you anticipating this Spring?
Bonus Question of the Week: Have you entered my Blogiversary Giveaway yet? Entries will be open until March 27! You could win a $35 e-gift card to the shopping site of YOUR CHOICE (because not everyone wants to buy from Amazon.com).

Dispatches: Links of the Week

Why parents need to remember they’re raising social creatures, or “life’s too short to pretend to like other people’s overly-entitled children.” Speaking of children, and not being children: why life really isn’t “high school” after high school

A parking garage and a sense of safety

There’s no shame in being ashamed of yourself sometimes – no, really, there’s not. And there’s no shame in celebrating the “everyday” achivements, either

When everyone’s talking, is anyone still listening? Listen to this: not every mom blogger is working on her brand. And it’s still Women’s History Month, so listen to this reflection on feminism and blogging (“mom” and otherwise)

It’s the fundamental question in this space: Why blog? What’s your answer?

If you read Monday’s post (in which I went with the “flow”), my most recent contribution to the LA Moms Blog will sound familiar (but not exactly the same)

Friday Fill-ins #168

1. Today I will be hoping to be left alone so I can actually get some work done!
2. You say “Let’s go get some coffee” and I say “Why not?”
3. What do you think of when you hear the word “legendary”?
4. At Starbucks it’s Free Pastry Day til 10:30 Friday noon on Tuesday, March 23! (Really – it’s true!)
5. People say that what we’re all seeking is peace, love, and understanding (and what’s so funny about that?)
6. The image I cherish most is the whole family together at Christmastime.
7. And as for the weekend, tonight I’m looking forward to an evening at home, tomorrow my plans include trying to finish reading The Sparrow, and Sunday, I want to find out where we’re taking my dad for his birthday dinner!

Have a great weekend!

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