Week-End Review: This week around the blogiverse

Week-End Review: This week around the blogiverse

$$ Delurking and Donating – Keeping it Going! $$ While I was soliciting comments here on Delurker Day, I also managed to do some delurking of my own, dropping more comments than I do most days. (To be honest, there are many times I’ll share a link to a post, here or on Twitter, instead of commenting, because I’m either busy or lazy.) Here are some stats on the visits I made as of 7 […]

Tuesday Tangents: New Car edition!

Tuesday Tangents: New Car edition!

You may have seen me mention this briefly in my weekend posts, but that was just to pique your curiosity. For those of you who are interested in the details, I got a new car on Saturday! It’s a 2010 Honda Fit Sport, and it looks exactly like this: (Yes, I can make a Honda look like a big car!) This little car has an astonishing amount of interior room, and various ways to configure […]

Bloggiesta Wrap-up: Missions accomplished

Bloggiesta Wrap-up: Missions accomplished

I didn’t create an overly-ambitious to-do list for Bloggiesta, and it was just as well! I didn’t have much time to work on it either Friday (did the work I get paid to do instead, except during lunch) or Saturday (out most of the day – coffee with my sister, errands, and buying a new car). I did spend most of my available time on Sunday working on blog-related tasks, but after spending most of […]

Week-End Review: Links from all over, plus Bloggiesta 2.0!

Week-End Review: Links from all over, plus Bloggiesta 2.0!

Announcement: Bloggiesta 2.0 Begins! Bloggiesta kicks off this morning! Participants will be spending time during the next three days tackling those nagging blog-housekeeping tasks that we have so much trouble getting around to doing – and encouraging each other along the way! If you need some ideas about what to work on, the challenge announcement post at Maw Books has lots of suggestions; there’s no minimum time commitment required, but Natasha suggests putting enough into […]

This week’s not-so-special: extra “Tangents” on Thursday!

This week’s not-so-special: extra “Tangents” on Thursday!

I don’t go in for New Year’s Resolutions, but one thing I’d like to try this year is being a little less fixated on how often I post here. I liked that “unplugged” thing during the holidays, and I considered not posting today. But I usually prefer to let y’all know in advance when I won’t be here – a planned vacation day as opposed to calling in sick, I guess – and I hadn’t […]

At the Movies: “Up in the Air”

At the Movies: “Up in the Air”

Up in the Air Drama, 2009 Rating: R Starring: George Clooney I do enjoy seeing a real “grown-up’s” movie every now and then. (The fact that this particular grown-up movie gives me an excuse to post a picture of George Clooney is just a nice bonus.) It seems to me that Up in the Air was one of those movies that sometimes come in at the end of the year, under the radar – no […]

Tuesday Tangents: TV Edition

Tuesday Tangents: TV Edition

As much as I obsess about keeping up with the blog posts in my Google Reader, my husband’s anxiety is provoked by unwatched TV shows recorded on the DVR. There was reason to be concerned about that with our first DVR box; since he prefers to record shows in high-def, the hard drive tended to fill up pretty fast and shows might be automatically deleted to make space, but we don’t seem to have that […]

The Meme Thief brings back the old year for New Year’s!

The Meme Thief brings back the old year for New Year’s!

Since we’re barely into 2010, I don’t think the statute of limitations for reflecting a little more on 2009 has run out yet. The Meme Thief stole this “New Year’s Meme” from Jo-Lynne at Musings of a Housewife, but other bloggers have posted it too. 1. What did you do in 2009 that you’d never done before? I went to my first conference of any kind – how nice that it was a blogging conference! […]

Week-End Review: Happy New Year!

Week-End Review: Happy New Year!

Good day, and welcome to 2010! I hope that you’ve had a pleasant holiday week, and that your New Year is starting out with at least one day of relaxation and good cheer. Like all good Southern Californians, we’ll probably start the day with the Tournament of Roses Parade, but since Chris is hanging out with friends today, the rest of us will probably be spared the football games. Tomorrow morning he flies back to […]

The Year in Review: ‘Riting and Randomness, 2009

I “borrowed” this first line meme from Kristen at BookNAround – it suggests that taking the first line of the first post of each month of the year will make an interesting portrait of your blogging year. I guess it depends on how you define “interesting,” but let me know if you can spot a theme here. I don’t see one, other than the fact that several of my “firsts” were Weekend Assignments. However, you […]

Tuesday Tangents: Between the Holidays Edition

Tuesday Tangents: Between the Holidays Edition

I have the week off from work, since Chris (my DC-dwelling son) is with us till at least Thursday – he may wind up the week and spend New Year’s with some friends before he flies home on Saturday. He’s keeping himself pretty well occupied while he’s here – among other things, he’s written some blog posts, watched some football, bought an iPhone and (finally!) joined Twitter – and will be sending home a boxful […]

Welcome to my Christmas card!

Welcome to my Christmas card!

Season’s Greetings from me to you! Step into Christmas with me… and if you don’t celebrate Christmas, have a great weekend! See you in a few days :-). Subscribe to Blog via Email Enter your email address to subscribe to this blog and receive notifications of new posts by email. Email Address Subscribe Join 2,318 other subscribers