I’m not feeling the writing groove so much this weekend, so I’m taking a different approach to this week’s Survey. It may be a keeper, or at least a recurring alternative version–it’s good to have options.
And now, it’s time for Show and Tell, 3 R’s Blog style!
These are the books–one ebook, one audiobook–I read this week, and will be drafting posts about after this post is done.

These are both paperbacks, and I’m hoping to read them at a better pace thanks to something I can’t show you–I’ve been wearing my new contact lenses since Friday, and the change in prescription has made a dramatic difference in how I see everything. I wish I could show you that. I’m still wearing nonprescription reading glasses over the contacts for reading–at my age, they just make it more comfortable–but I can read on my phone without them, and it’s been ages since I could do that!
This is the rain that made my Tuesday-morning drive to work take almost three hours (which is part of why I was able to start and finish It’s What I Do this week.)

- You know what I said earlier about not feeling the writing groove? I felt a little better reading April’s thoughts on creativity and seeing that I have company.
- But when I am feeling the groove, I’m inclined to ramble sometimes…because it’s my blog, and I can.
- I’m not feeling the blog-maintenance groove right now either…but I have, as usual, bookmarked the Fall Bloggiesta Mini-Challenges for future reference.
- And for something more serious, the Educational Link of the Week: More than a year out, America is firmly in Presidential Election Mode, and in a country formed on the principles of freedom of religion and separation of church and state, it’s important to grasp current perspectives on those principles:
“The American Religious landscape is a place most of us know little to nothing about, outside of the denomination in which we were raised. If you were raised in a Mainline Protestant or liberal-thinking Roman Catholic or Anglican tradition, you might think that keeping Church and State separate would be easy enough. However, you might be a bit out of step with the thinking of some of the fastest growing religious groups out there: the Evangelicals and Pentecostals.”

First of all, love the picture of Paul and Kate. So happy to hear that she is at an end of her chemo. And I do so hope things are going well with her health. Prayers are being said. The rain sounds like it made your commute tiresome, but I bet you guys were so glad to see it. I like this method of sharing your week, by the way. I’ve been doing something similar. Just not feeling the ‘many posts a week’ vibe lately. So, one longer chatty ‘here’s what I’ve been up to’ post this week. That may be my norm for a while. Or maybe for longer than a while. LOL
Have a good week, Florinda!
I’m glad you like the format, Kay! Photo-heavy posts aren’t necessarily less work than posts with more writing, but sometimes they just *feel* easier. As for the rain, I’d have been happier to see it if I could have stayed at home. As a non-native, I’m pretty confident of my own ability to drive in the rain, but it makes LA rush-hour drives even more hideous than usual!
Great to see photo of Paul and Kate and that she was able to get out.
I didn’t participate in Bloggiesta this weekend either. My laptop has been down for a bit, and plus I don’t feel in blog maintenance mode either. I know there is always room for improvement, but sometimes I just like to blog…and not think about it. Of course, with the laptop being down, I haven’t been blogging as much as I’d like, but still once a week anyway.
And 179!?! Woo hooooo! I don’t think I’ve ever gotten that high either, even on Scrabble.
That WWF break was one I’ve never had before, and fully expect never to see again! And yes, we’re all happy that Kate is able to start going to public places that aren’t the hospital.
Kate looks wonderful! I know you’ll celebrate her birthday in style.
We’ll celebrate however she wants :-). You can just imagine how happy her dad was to have both his kids together and out enjoying a meal again.
What a great photo of Paul and Kate! I too have bookmarked the Bloggiesta posts. I wish I could get it together to upgrade my blog. Oh well.
I have the photography book on my list. It’s been calling to me, but I just haven’t gotten around to reading it yet.
I liked the book on audio, but if the print edition actually includes some of Addario’s photography, I definitely missed out on that. (I did check out some of the work on her website, though–some fantastic images there!).
I didn’t know Stacy Schiff had published another book. How exciting!
I still haven’t gotten around to reading CLEOPATRA, so maybe this one will finally send me back to it!