Sunday Salon: Abandonment Issues

Sunday Salon: Abandonment Issues

  Last week, participants in The Broke and the Bookish’s “Top Ten Tuesday” posted reading and blogging resolutions for the New Year. I wasn’t one of them. For one thing, I don’t really do New Year’s resolutions; and secondly, because I try to write and schedule my posts ahead of time, I don’t do many daily/weekly memes any more unless the prompts are posted in advance. However, I did read quite a few lists of […]

A (Weekly) Geeky Friday Foto – and by the way, it’s Delurking Day!

A (Weekly) Geeky Friday Foto – and by the way, it’s Delurking Day!

I’m not a consistent Weekly Geek these days, but the first assignment of 2011 is a fun one: This week, for a Geeky assignment, how about a picture? A self portrait of sorts. I think it would be fun if you all took a picture of yourself (or have someone help you most likely) reading your current book (so we can see what it is) in your favorite reading spot. Then post it! It can […]

Major Medical: The next episode in the Shoulder Saga

Major Medical: The next episode in the Shoulder Saga

You may have heard something about this before, but I hope you’ll indulge my ruminating for a minute or two… In a little more than a week, I will be having Major Surgery. At least I think it’s Major. It’s outpatient surgery, since it will be done at a surgery facility and not in the hospital and I’ll go home the same day. It’s an arthroscopic procedure, so it will be less invasive. However, it […]

Book Talk: *The Lotus Eaters*, by Tatjana Soli (TLC Book Tour)

Book Talk: *The Lotus Eaters*, by Tatjana Soli (TLC Book Tour)

The Lotus Eaters: A Novel Tatjana Soli St. Martin’s Press (2010), Hardcover (ISBN 0312611579 / 9780312611576) Fiction (historical/20th century), 400 pages Source: Publisher, via TLC Book Tours Reason for reading: Blog tour Opening Lines: “The city teetered in a dream state. Helen walked down the deserted street. The quiet was eerie. Time running out. A long-handled barber’s razor, cradled in the nest of its strop, lay on the ground, the blade’s metal grabbing the sun. […]

Working through Winter (Weekend Assignment #352)

Working through Winter (Weekend Assignment #352)

Weekend Assignment # 352: Winter Work Now that the new year has begun, most of us are back at work, with only a few holidays to look forward to over the next several months. Most of us in the Northern Hemisphere wake now to cold, dark mornings, and may see little or no daylight on our morning and evening commutes. What is this time of year like for you? Are you more productive in the […]

For Whymommy: Help for cancer survivors needing lymphedema sleeves

For Whymommy: Help for cancer survivors needing lymphedema sleeves

I met Susan Niebur for the first time at BlogHer’09 in Chicago, but I already knew who she was – blogger, mom, planetary scientist, and cancer survivor. When Susan was diagnosed with inflammatory breast cancer (IBC) – the least common and most deadly form of the disease – in 2007, fellow bloggers rallied around, forming Team Whymommy to support her in her battle against it. She won…that time. She had a recurrence of the cancer […]

Sunday Salon: The Great Book Purge of 2010

Sunday Salon: The Great Book Purge of 2010

  You may have heard that the Sunday Salon closed to new members a while ago for technical reasons; the feed aggregator it uses for participants’ posts had reached capacity. Well, have you heard that it’s re-opened – as a Facebook group – and both old and new members are invited to join up there? Group members can link up their Sunday posts on the FB page and easily comment and have bookish discussions with […]

Friday Foto: Fish Fight!

Friday Foto: Fish Fight!

The pelican in the middle is the referee, I think. Santa Barbara, California, February 2010 Subscribe to Blog via Email Enter your email address to subscribe to this blog and receive notifications of new posts by email. Email Address Subscribe Join 2,318 other subscribers

2010 in Review – Randomness: Look Back in Bloggery

2010 in Review – Randomness: Look Back in Bloggery

Image by Scott Ingram Photography via Flickr I did this “beginnings and endings” blog-retrospective meme at the end of 2007, and I thought I’d bring it out again since I haven’t used it since then.  Rules: Paste the first line of your first post AND the last line of your last post for each month, starting with January 2010. Links are optional. (Note: If the first post of the month was a book review, it’s […]

HELP WANTED (Again): Guest Blogger Positions Available!

HELP WANTED (Again): Guest Blogger Positions Available!

Image by kandyjaxx via Flickr ANNOUNCEMENT: POSITIONS AVAILABLE for Guest/Substitute Bloggers! I got a gratifyingly good response to my invitation to guest bloggers during my vacation last summer, and as I have something coming up later this month that will probably take me off-blog for a couple of weeks, I thought I’d put it out there again. One-time opportunity for guest contributors to The 3 R’s Blog during my upcoming recovery from shoulder surgery, which […]

2010 in Review – ‘Riting: Here and There…

2010 in Review – ‘Riting: Here and There…

Image via Wikipedia (If you think you’ve read this post before, you may be right – it accidentally got published a couple of weeks ago, and got into the feed before I could pull it back to the correct date. Oops!) Total posts in 2010: 305  – includes 11 guest posts, 10 progress updates during two 24-Hour Readathons, and 30 daily posts in November for NaBloPoMo Most-viewed 2010 post: “My Festival of Books Report, 2010 […]

2010 in Review – Reading: final Bookkeeping, and Books of the Year!

2010 in Review – Reading: final Bookkeeping, and Books of the Year!

  As befits a book-blogging accountant, I’ll begin this look back at the year in reading with a little number-crunching: Total books read: 56 Fiction: 45 Adult: 33 YA: 12 Nonfiction: 11 Memoir: 8 History: 2 Other: 1 (music) Number of pages read: No idea, although I suppose I could do the math…but I’m really not all that interested in crunching this particular number at this point, so never mind! (Do you keep track of […]