How Will YOU Score on The Book Nerd Quiz?

I found this quiz via the Barnes & Noble Review ages ago, but never got around to posting it. Feel free to steal, take, and share…but be sure to come back and tell me how big a book nerd you are!

blog graphic "the book nerd quiz"

INSTRUCTIONS: Just go down the list below and add one point for every statement that applies to you.

  • You currently own more than 20 books. +1
  • You currently own more than 50 books. +1
  • You currently own more than 100 books. +1
  • You amassed so many books you switched to an ereader
  • You read so much you have a ton of books AND an ereader. +1
  • You have a book-organization system no one else understands. +1
  • You’re currently reading more than one book. +1
  • You read every single day. +1
  • You’re reading a book right now, as you’re taking this book nerd quiz.
  • Your essentials for leaving the house: wallet, phone, keys, and a book. +1
  • You’ve pulled an all-nighter reading a book.
  • You did not regret it for a second and would do it again.
  • You’ve figured out how to incorporate books into your workout.
  • You’ve declined invitations to social activities in order to stay home and read. +1
  • You view vacation time as “catch up on reading” time. +1
  • You’ve sat in a bathtub full of tepid water with prune-y skin because you were engrossed in a book.
  • You’ve missed your stop on the bus or the train because you were engrossed in a book. (If I were a public-transit user, I’m sure this would be a +1)
  • You’ve almost tripped over a pothole, sat on a bench with wet paint, walked into a telephone pole, or narrowly avoided other calamities because you were engrossed in a book. +1
  • You’ve laughed out loud in public while reading a book. +1
  • You’ve cried in public while reading a book (it’s okay, we won’t tell). +1
  • You’re the one everyone goes to for book recommendations. +1
  • You take your role in recommending books very seriously and worry about what books your friends would enjoy. +1
  • Once you recommend a book to a friend, you keep bugging them about it.
  • If your friend doesn’t like the book you recommended, you’re heartbroken.
  • And you judge them. A little bit. +1
  • In fact, whenever you and a friend disagree about a book you secretly wonder what is wrong with them.
  • You’ve vowed to convert a nonreader into a reader.
  • And you’ve succeeded.
  • You’ve attended book readings, launches, and signings. +1
  • You own several signed books. +1
  • You would recognize your favorite authors on the street
  • In fact, you have.
  • If you could have dinner with anybody in the world, you’d choose your favorite writer. +1
  • You own a first-edition book.
  • You know what that is and why it matters to bibliophiles. +1
  • You tweet, post, blog, or talk about books every day. +1
  • You have a “favorite” literary prize.
  • And you read the winners of that prize every year.
  • You’ve recorded every book you’ve ever read and what you thought of it. +.5 (partial credit because it only applies to every book I’ve read since starting this blog in March 2007)
  • You have a designated reading nook in your home. +1
  • You have a literary-themed T-shirt, bag, tattoo, or item of home décor. +1
  • You gave your pet a literary name.
  • You make literary references and puns nobody else understands. +1
  • You’re a stickler for spelling and grammar, even when you’re just texting. +1
  • You’ve given books as gifts for every occasion: birthdays, Valentine’s Day, graduations, Tuesdays… +1
  • Whenever someone asks what your favorite book is, your brain goes into overdrive and you can’t choose just one. You end up naming twelve books. +1
  • You love the smell of books.
  • You’ve binge-read an entire series or an author’s whole oeuvre in just a few days. +1
  • You’ve actually felt your heart rate go up while reading an incredible book. +1
  • When you turn the last page of a good book, you feel as if you’ve finally come up for air and returned from a great adventure. +1

Total points available: 51
My score: 29.5

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