Friday Fotos: Christmas Past

Friday Fotos: Christmas Past

He (Younger Nephew) is a little bigger this Christmas… …and this is my first one without her in a decade… …but I wonder if we’ll see Gangsta Snowman again this year? For those of you who are celebrating, Merry Christmas to you and yours – and if this isn’t your holiday, have a great weekend doing whatever you do! Subscribe to Blog via Email Enter your email address to subscribe to this blog and receive […]

Book Talk: *The Stupidest Angel*, by Christopher Moore

Book Talk: *The Stupidest Angel*, by Christopher Moore

The Stupidest Angel: A Heartwarming Tale of Christmas Terror Christopher Moore (blog) William Morrow (2004), Edition: 1st, Hardcover (ISBN 0060590254 / 9780060590253) Fiction, 288 pages Source: Personal/purchased copy Reason for reading: Seasonally appropriate re-read (not previously reviewed) Note: There’s a second edition of this novel available with a new chapter added (ISBN: 0060842350) – that’s not the edition I have. Opening Lines: “Christmas crept into Pine Cove like a creeping Christmas thing: dragging garland, ribbon, […]

Tuesday Tangents: Early Christmas Gifts!

Tuesday Tangents: Early Christmas Gifts!

I set it under the tree for a few days, but in the end, I couldn’t hold off on opening the package I received from my Secret Santa in the Book Bloggers’ Holiday Swap! Santa checked my list and chose one of the books on it to send me, along with a some Christmas-themed decor (if I don’t use the cookie cutter for its intended purpose, it could always be an ornament). Many thanks and […]

From the archives: Christmas Spectacle!

From the archives: Christmas Spectacle!

These were taken during my family’s 2006 and 2007 visits to the place my sister calls “The House That Threw Up Christmas.” This truly is a local institution – according to their website, their first Christmas was in 1964, the same year as my first Christmas. They’ve got a photo archive through 2005, so you can see how the display has evolved over the years – well, “grown” is a more accurate word than “evolved;” […]

From the archives: The 12 days of Christmas…start 9 days from now!

From the archives: The 12 days of Christmas…start 9 days from now!

After answering my friend Kim‘s question on Twitter not long ago, I thought it might be a good time to revisit this post from December 2007. Suzanne made a little goof in her daily letter (on December 17, 2007), and I wonder if this is a common misperception: “This morning, first thing when I woke up, the realization hit me–Christmas is almost here–should have started singing The Twelve Days of Christmas four days ago, […]

Something missing at Christmastime this year

Something missing at Christmastime this year

Cross-posted at TheSmartlyLA My son’s been out of college for almost four years. He lives 3000 miles from me, and about 1000 miles away from his dad’s hometown. He’s got a good job, his own apartment (no roommates!), his own activities and interests, and the occasional girlfriend (but not “the girlfriend,” at least not yet). He doesn’t own a car – he has chosen to live in a city where he doesn’t need one – […]

Happy Thanksgiving!

Happy Thanksgiving!

Image via Wikipedia I wish you and yours a very happy Thanksgiving Day, and hope you have at least a few – but hopefully many – things in your life to be grateful for and appreciative of this year! Today, I’m thankful for a long weekend, a dinner that won’t require much effort on my part (thanks to Tall Paul’s picking up for my slacking dislocated shoulder), and everyone who takes the time to share […]

Taking the weekend off!

Taking the weekend off!

I’m supposed to return to work on Tuesday, and I expect it to be CRAZY after three weeks out of the office, so I’ve decided to save some of my prepared posts for the next couple of weeks and not put one up today! Besides, it’s the Independence Day holiday weekend in the USA, so we should all celebrate our freedoms – including the freedom to take a blogging break! Waving to you with my […]

Tuesday Tangents: Between the Holidays Edition

Tuesday Tangents: Between the Holidays Edition

I have the week off from work, since Chris (my DC-dwelling son) is with us till at least Thursday – he may wind up the week and spend New Year’s with some friends before he flies home on Saturday. He’s keeping himself pretty well occupied while he’s here – among other things, he’s written some blog posts, watched some football, bought an iPhone and (finally!) joined Twitter – and will be sending home a boxful […]

Welcome to my Christmas card!

Welcome to my Christmas card!

Season’s Greetings from me to you! Step into Christmas with me… and if you don’t celebrate Christmas, have a great weekend! See you in a few days :-). Subscribe to Blog via Email Enter your email address to subscribe to this blog and receive notifications of new posts by email. Email Address Subscribe Join 2,318 other subscribers

Season’s Greetings: Please come home!

The song appeals to me for its classic pop sound, but also for its combination of an upbeat melody with rather wistful lyrics. The theme is a fairly common one in Christmas pop music – it’s supposed to be the happiest time of year, but you’re separated from someone you love and that makes it sad: What song is it? The lyrics are quoted, and other thoughts about the song are shared, in a guest […]

Tuesday Tangents: 10 Items or Less

Tuesday Tangents: 10 Items or Less

“Time, time, time See what’s become of me While I looked around for my possibilities I was so hard to please…” It was a pretty hazy – and rainy – shade of winter in Southern California this past weekend, and yet time, time, time seems to have gotten away from me. Once again, I don’t have a proper post drafted up for today, so you’re getting the assorted-randomness bit again. I hope you’ll enjoy the […]