“Reading challenges” are very popular among many of the book bloggers, but I’ve decided they’re not for me. Even though most of the challenges I’m aware of don’t require reading particular titles, they usually involve a specific genre or category, as well as a minimum number of books to be read. And since I’ve made the somewhat discouraging discovery that I’m not actually reading as much as I thought I was in the first place, […]
Search Results for: label

The year in review: Booking and Blogging 2007
It’s an old question, but a good one . . . What were your favorite books this year? List as many as you like … fiction, non-fiction, mystery, romance, science-fiction, business, travel, cookbooks … whatever the category. But, really, we’re all dying to know. What books were the highlight of your reading year in 2007?Don’t forget to leave a link to your actual response (so people don’t have to go searching for it) in the […]

OK, I lied – just one more thing…
This is actually a PSA of sorts. In case you hadn’t noticed it yet, there’s been a tweak in how comments get posted on blogs like this one (Blogger-hosted ones). The way I understand it, if you want to leave an identified comment that links back to your own blog or profile, it’s not necessary to have a Google account – you should be able to use any OpenID, including your WordPress or Typepad ID, […]
What choice do they have?
When my first husband was in graduate school and I had my first post-college job, we didn’t have much money. For my annual checkups and affordable, reliable birth control, I relied on the local Planned Parenthood for several years. It’s been a long time since I was a patient of theirs, but I continue to respect their work, which is why I really hate to see the flare-up over their new clinic in Aurora, Illinois. […]
Love letters and thank-you notes
I’ve learned that several of my favorite bloggers share my blogging identity. I guess that shouldn’t be surprising, since I recognize that they’ve influenced what I do here, and how I do it. Of course, I wouldn’t add a blog feed to my reader if I didn’t like the content, but they’re not all there for the same reason. Some are just generally useful, providing information and tools for living. Some cover issues I want […]
Wiki Wednesday 8-1-07
Time to learn something! 1. Go to Wikipedia.2. Click on “Random article” in the left-hand sidebar box.3. Post it! I’m guessing there are 25 entries similar to this one: record labels that start with X. Ever heard of The X-Dump, X-treme Music, or XYZ Records? I’ve gotten obscure music-related entries for two weeks in a row. Hmmm….. Subscribe to Blog via Email Enter your email address to subscribe to this blog and receive notifications of […]
…by any other name…
Sometimes, there’s a convergence between what other blogs are posting and what I’m already thinking about, but during the last week or so it’s been almost scary. There have been discussions in several places concerning how you use names on your blog, including two that cropped up just yesterday. Kathy Howe’s blog at Work It, Mom! suggests some rules to follow if you’re blogging as your “side job,” particularly being discreet and not forgetting that […]

Got your books crossed? I’m giving it another shot
I signed up with BookCrossing in November 2002, when it was still a pretty new enterprise. The website has changed since then, and the membership and books numbers have grown enormously, but the basics are still the same: Read a book! – Or not. Some members have been known to buy used books in bulk just to register and release them, without reading them all first.Register it! – Enter the title and author info (or […]
Just finished: “Abundance”
Abundance: A Novel of Marie AntoinetteSena Jeter Naslund from the book cover: Marie Antoinette was a child of fourteen when her mother, the Empress of Austria, arranged for her to leave her family and her country to become the wife of the fifteen-year-old Dauphin, the future King of France. Coming of age in the most public of arenas, the young queen embraces her new family and the French people, and she is embraced in return. […]
I’m not the only one who wonders
It’s kind of sad that I haven’t posted anything for a week. The feed reader got really backed up – hey, I keep finding interesting stuff and adding it! – and I’m starting to leave comments here and there on other blogs, but it seems like the more time I spend on those, the less I have for my own. (And then there’s the paying job, which still feels like it will never be caught […]