You may have noticed in the sidebar on this blog – or read somewhere, like maybe here – that Book Blogger Appreciation Week will be celebrated from September 15-19! There will be special BBAW-related events going on all across the book-blogiverse next week: themed posts, contests, and even an awards ceremony! One of those contests is getting started right now, and it’s open to everyone who READS book blogs, but who DON’T have book blogs […]
Search Results for: label

Weekend Assignment #227: Tell me something good
This week, Karen says: It seems as though bad news is coming at us from all directions at the moment, including from this house and this blog. (She and her husband have just had to say goodbye to a beloved four-legged family member, but they are moving on.) Let’s try to balance things about a bit: Weekend Assignment #227: There must be something positive happening in your life right now (I hope!). Tell us the […]
Weekend Assignment #224: Bad Idea
The Weekend Assignment is posted each Friday at Outpost Mâvarin; a roundup of responses goes up the following Thursday, so if you’d like to join in, you’ve still got some time. Karen says: Don’t worry if you don’t get your entry in by the end of the weekend. It’s called the Weekend Assignment because John Scalzi originally designed it to give folks something to write on weekends, but times have changed since then. Now the […]

Friday Q&A, back on schedule
Tuesday Thingers Last week I asked what was the most popular book in your library- this week I’m going to ask about the most unpopular books you own. Do you have any unique books in your library- books only you have on LT? How many? Did you find cataloging information on your unique books, or did you hand-enter them? Do they fall into a particular category or categories, or are they a mix of different […]
More thoughts about change – but what’s news about that?
(I’ve actually had this post in draft for awhile, but I keep finding reasons to put it on hold. But now is probably as good a time as any to run with it, as a follow-up of sorts to my recent Ten on Tuesday post about how the world has changed, and as a self-developed Hump Day Hmm, since vacation plans are causing me to miss one of Julie’s.) My mother-in-law tells us that she […]

Friday, Friday – Q&A Day
I’ve been trying to come up with a good encompassing title for my Friday collected-memes post. For now, I think I’m going with “Friday Q&A,” since most of them do involve answering questions. There’s a new one in the mix this week, too. Tuesday Thingers: Why LT? Tuesday Thingers is a new meme especially for LibraryThing users, recently launched by The Boston Bibliophile. This week’s Tuesday Thingers question is: Why LT? Why did you choose […]
The Comfort Zone – a Hump Day Hmm
I can’t tell you how many times people have encouraged me to “get out of (my) comfort zone.” They mean well when they say this. They seem to believe that since they’ve seen me do well in some area that, if I give myself a bit of a push, the abilities that helped me succeed in that area might be transferable to another, and I just might be good at that too. They assume that […]
(You’re my) Soul and Inspiration: A Hump Day Hmm
This week…it’s all about the other guy (or gal). One of the greatest things we all say we find in blogging is community. What post, blog or blogger has inspired you? It could have been a comment, a post, something someone did. Perhaps you’ve become friends. Big or small, if it moved you and caused you to take action in your own life, tell us about it. Tell us what inspired you, and then let […]
The Blogoversary Scraptacular!
We’ll return to our regularly scheduled “scraps” next week, but today we have a special!One year ago today, my first post appeared in this space. At the time, I’m sure it was read by no one but me (and I doubt many other people have gone back to read it since then, either). But some folks have found their way here over time, and I’m glad you’re here to celebrate my first Blogoversary with me! […]
My dream guy
One of the questions in the “musical meme” I posted recently, in which the answers were provided by the songs that cane up randomly on my iPod, was “What do you like in a guy?” I’ve known exactly how to answer that question ever since I read Christopher Moore’s summary description of his protagonist, Tucker Case, in Island of the Sequined Love Nun: “a geek in a cool guy’s body.” Mind you, that was not […]
Ten on Tuesday 1-15: 10 Movies That Disappointed You
This week’s Ten on Tuesday topic, “10 Movies That Disappointed You,” has been unexpectedly difficult for me. I have a few ideas why: I tend to base my decision on whether or not to see most movies on the consensus of reviews – and if they’re mostly unfavorable, I probably won’t go. Therefore, I avoid setting myself up to be disappointed in the first place. On the other hand, there are certain movies I will […]
50/50 odds – just pick one already!
I picked this up from, a new discovery that I can’t quite recall how I discovered. She calls this little exercise “Choose Ye,” and you have to pick one of the two alternatives given for each question. No ifs, ands, buts, or maybes. It seemed like fun, so I thought I’d give it a whirl..My selection is the option in bold type. I do have to say that most of the forced alternatives here […]