Bookworms Carnival Preview/GUEST POST: “It’s a Boy? What am I Going to Read to Him?”

This submission to the Bookworms Carnival was written by Emily Cullen. Emily doesn’t have a personal blog (yet) – which is why I’ve published it here as a guest post – but you can read her contributions at the New Jersey Moms Blog. Consider this a preview – the Bookworms Carnival is coming on Wednesday! I found out very early on in my pregnancy that I was going to have a little boy. I won’t […]

Weekly Geeks #3: Kid Stuff

Weekly Geeks #3: Kid Stuff

Weekly Geeks #3 is on! Dewey says: This week’s theme comes from Samantha, who suggested that one week we all write about our fond memories of childhood books. You could approach this several ways. I’ll probably list my favorite childhood books with maybe a paragraph about each book: why I loved it, how old I was when I read it, where I got the book, etc. You could also just pick one childhood favorite and […]

Weekend Assignment #213- Book Boosters

The Weekend Assignment is posted each Friday at Outpost Mâvarin; a roundup of responses goes up the following Thursday, so if you’d like to join in, you’ve still got some time. Karen says: Don’t worry if you don’t get your entry in by the end of the weekend. It’s called the Weekend Assignment because John Scalzi originally designed it to give folks something to write on weekends, but times have changed since then. Now the […]

Poetry post followup

(Oh, by the way, just in case anyone was wondering – I’m done with jury duty! It’s “one day or one trial” by law here, and I didn’t get put on a trial, so I’m off the hook for at least another year.) I messed up in my Weekend Assignment poetry post yesterday by not giving proper credit to my true favorite poet, my sister Teresa. The woman composes the invitations for her sons’ birthday […]

Booking it – as a couple

Tall Paul and I met online, through eHarmony, and they have an established getting-to-know-you process that involves four communication “stages.” Your initial exposure to each other is a view of the “About Me” profile page, which contains a selection of short-answer questions, and the site encourages you to fill it in as completely as possible. A couple of the questions on that page concerned books – an estimate of how many you read per year, […]

Whose college education is it, anyway?

Be warned…perhaps my recent birthday has made me a bit cranky as well as old(er), because there are a couple of opinionated days on the calendar here at The 3 R’s this week. OK, it’s been awhile since I went off on one of my over-involved parents/over-entitled kids rants. (I’ll bet you haven’t missed them much, either…they were starting to wear on me a bit, too.) This post on The Juggle kicked me back into […]

If you can’t say something nice…

Being curious about how other book bloggers handle posting negative reviews, Dewey at The Hidden Side of a Leaf decided to create a meme to find out how some of them deal with books they didn’t like. Please consider yourself tagged if you feel like answering the questions yourself. 1. When you dislike a book, do you say so in your blog? Why or why not? Yes, as long as I’ve actually read the entire […]

Weekend Assignment #207: Too Much News(?)

The Weekend Assignment is posted each Friday at Outpost Mâvarin; a roundup of responses goes up the following Thursday, so if you’d like to join in, you’ve still got some time! Weekend Assignment #207: Are you a news junkie, or not so much? Do you seek out news on tv, radio, in newspapers or online, or are you sick of the endless rehashing of the same issues? I realize it’s all a continuum, from “I […]

“Randomness” and Silliness

randomness…feed your mind and your blog Week of March 9: The Internet Do you remember time before the internet? Before you had an email address, online banking, websites, memes, blogs, message boards? When did you first ‘log on’? There’s a reason the profile blurb in my blog sidebar starts out “I’m probably too old for this blogging thing.” I didn’t find my way online until my thirties, about ten years ago; but in my defense, […]

Technological tradeoffs, or why a book goes with me everywhere

I think it’s true that we often don’t properly appreciate things until we’re forced to do without them – but sometimes the enforced break is worth it. Most of us are old enough to remember when we couldn’t get in touch with people, or be reached by them, 24/7. Some people didn’t have answering machines or voicemail, and if you called them while they were already on the phone with someone else, you’d get a […]

Weekend Assignment #206 – “Happy Birthday!”

The Weekend Assignment is posted each Friday at Outpost Mâvarin; a roundup of responses goes up the following Thursday, so if you’d like to join in, you’ve still got some time! And while you’re at it, go over and wish Karen a happy birthday! Let’s get right to it: Weekend Assignment #206: My birthday is coming up on Monday. In the grand tradition of the Beatles and my mom*, I magnanimously declare this to be […]

It’s the same old song, and it’s getting older

One thing that can make a person particularly aware of the passage of time: songs from your own past – which you didn’t think was all that distant, maybe 20-some-odd years ago – are getting played on the “oldies” radio station. We’ve noticed tunes from our college years cropping up on K-Earth 101 (KRTH, LA’s “greatest hits on earth” station), and it looks like it’s official: 1980’s songs are the “new oldies.” “New oldies” sounds […]