I’m not doing all 31 days of #31bookpics and I’m a few days late getting started with it, so I’m taking this opportunity to do a little catching up!
1. Current Reads

The Witches and Charned Particles sound like they could be related, don’t they? But they’re not. The “particles” referenced are quarks; one of the main characters in Chrissy Kolaya’s debut novel is a physicist. And we are fortunately mostly past attributing scientific wonders to witchcraft. That said, they do look seasonally appropriate together. My audiobook is also a timely read, as I’m joining the Neverwhere Readalong (#NeverwhereRAL) this month.
2. Shelves

4. Green Books

This collage illustrates that I have both green books and “green” books; since my ebook library was not responsible for killing any trees, I’d say those books qualify as green, wouldn’t you?
It’s one thing to read scary stories for fun as Halloween approaches. It’s another to grapple with scary stories in the news every day. In response to the campus shootings in Oregon, a therapist offers a thoughtful discussion of why this is truly is both a mental-health and gun-policy crisis, and it needs to be addressed from both sides. It’s a lengthy post and I couldn’t decide what to quote from it because it covers a lot of ground, so just go read it, OK?
This asks some challenging questions of an entirely different nature: if YA lit warrants a canon, what books belong there?
“Often I read books people ask me to read. Or I read with a nagging corner of my brain whispering, ‘Will this sell?’ Or I read the surface of a book to get through it just to be able to say ‘been there, read that.’ I worry sometimes that even though I encounter good books regularly, I may have lost some of the pleasure principle.”
And this is a highly subjective question: if you read with an agenda, do you still get any pleasure out of the reading? I’ll be honest–I’m rather conflicted about this sometimes.
I’m not conflicted about my plans for a quiet bookish Sunday, though! What are you up to today?
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I try not to read with an agenda. Sometimes it spontaneously happens and that feels okay.
One way I try to manage it is by choosing the same kinds of books for my paid reviewing as I’d read for free.
I have been reading with an agenda over the last few months, as I’ve been trying to read more diversely within the crime fiction genre, but I’m still reading for pleasure as I see it too as I’m enjoying what I’m reading, learning about other cultures.
As long as it doesn’t feel like homework, I think that qualifies as “reading for pleasure,”