From Me to You: 5 Best Bits of Blogging Advice #Bloggiesta

After eight years of doing this, I thought I might be able to put together a response to the special Bloggiesta request for our “best blogging advice.” For me, it all comes down to this credo:

3Rs Blog Credo: "There is no one right way to do this"
Then again, you have to have a few rules in place in order to know when and whether to break them, right? With that in mind, I offer you my top five blogging guidelines:
I’ll close with a few words from one of my five all-time-favorite movies, Almost Famous, with some minor paraphrasing of what Penny Lane always tells the girls:

I always tell the girls bloggers, never take it seriously. If you never take it seriously, you never get hurt. If you never get hurt, you always have fun. And if you ever get lonely, just go to the record store on the Internet and visit your friends.”

a quote from Almost Famous, modified for bloggers (not Band-Aids)

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