Book Talk: *The Handmaid’s Tale,* by Margaret Atwood

Book Talk: *The Handmaid’s Tale,* by Margaret Atwood

Book Blogger Appreciation Week programming will be joined in progress tomorrow. When I scheduled the wrap-up for the group read of The Handmaid’s Tale for this week…well, I kind of forgot that it would conflict with BBAW. Oops! The Handmaid’s Tale Margaret Atwood (Twitter) (Facebook) Anchor (1998), Trade Paperback reprint (ISBN 9780385490818) (original publication date 1986) Fiction (speculative), 320 pages Source: personal copy (Note: This is the publication info for my original copy of the […]

Sunday Salon: BBAW is Here! Who’s ready for some appreciation?

Sunday Salon: BBAW is Here! Who’s ready for some appreciation?

I considered not posting in the Salon today. This is September 11, ten years to the day since the planes crashed in New York City and Washington DC and Pennsylvania and took down the Twin Towers. It seems like it should be a quiet day of reflection. But September 11, 2001 was also a day that brought people together, no matter where they were. We were joined in mourning and in our resolve to rebuild. […]

BlogHer Book Club Talk: *Slow Love,* by Dominique Browning

BlogHer Book Club Talk: *Slow Love,* by Dominique Browning

So far – 24 years into my chosen career – I’ve never lost a job. My fingers are crossed that the streak will continue, but who knows? The recession we can’t shake has hit a lot of mid-career workers at a point where they might have expected security and stability, setting them adrift at an awkward age – too old for entry level, too young to retire. When House & Garden magazine shut down in […]

An Appreciation of the Author: Beth Kephart

An Appreciation of the Author: Beth Kephart

There are so many ways in which the past four and a half years of book blogging have changed my reading habits, and so many books and authors I’d never have known without it. Beth Kephart is near the top of that list, and the loss would have been all mine. Despite her prolific and varied output and a National Book Award nomination for her first book, the memoir A Slant of Sun: One Child’s […]

Sunday Salon: Shaping Stories

Sunday Salon: Shaping Stories

“Facts don’t do what I want them to”  – “Crosseyed and Painless,” Talking Heads And so we shape them into something that does what we want. Some other lines from the same section of that song acknowledge that: “Facts all come with points of view” “Facts continue to change their shape” “Facts are nothing on the face of things” I’ve been thinking a lot about how we shape narratives lately – ever since my stint […]

The 2011 Indie Lit Awards: Ready, Set, NOMINATE!

The 2011 Indie Lit Awards: Ready, Set, NOMINATE!

Indie Lit Awards season is officially open! Nominations for the 2011 Independent Literary (“Indie Lit”) Awards – the book awards chosen by readers – officially open today, and will remain open through December 31, 2011. Nominations are being accepted in seven genres (edited to correct links – thanks, Serena!) Biography/ Memoir GLBTQ Lit Fiction Mystery Non-Fiction Poetry Speculative Fiction You can find the nomination form for each genre through the above links. You may nominate […]