Ten on Tuesday, and then ten more..

(I may have mentioned that I’m trying not to post more than once a day, so when I can find ways to tie two or three things together into a single post, that definitely works for me.)

I think lists like this week’s Ten on Tuesday prompt, “10 Favorite Actors/Actresses,” are supposed to be easy for most people, but for some reason I have a very hard time with them. I’m not sure why. It doesn’t ask me to pick only one, so it’s OK to be indecisive – but when you put me on the spot for things like this, it’s like my mind goes blank and I can’t think of anyone!

I think that part of what makes this particular choice tough for me is that I don’t tend to watch most movies or TV shows because of a particular performer – I’m just not that kind of fan. I do have actors and actresses that I enjoy watching, of course, but I don’t necessarily have to see everything they’re in. I’m not a completist with them the way I often am with authors. I also don’t read many celebrity-oriented magazines, so I don’t really develop that kind of attachment to personalities.

In general, though, I have a reluctance to declare my “favorites” in entertainment topics because, although I understand that it’s a totally subjective concept, it’s one that I think is very often judged by others – and while I know I should be old enough not to care what other people think, that makes me uncomfortable in sharing something so relatively unimportant.

But after all those disclaimers, here are 10 people I like to watch in the movies or on TV, in no particular order, a mix of classic and modern:

Cary Grant (thanks to my husband)
George Clooney (our generation’s Cary Grant)
Tom Hanks
Matt Damon
Owen Wilson (mostly because of my weakness for shaggy-haired blonds, to be honest)

Katharine Hepburn
Nicole Kidman
Jennifer Garner (I knew her when she was Sydney Bristow)
Catherine Zeta-Jones (I’d just like to look like her for one day…)
Tina Fey (not so much as an actress, but as writer, producer, and general Nerd Goddess)

But even though this was a tough one for me, it’s the kind of thing that Tall Paul enjoys, so he’s playing along with his own lists – 10 actors and 8 actresses:

1. Cary Grant
2. Steve McQueen
3. Bob Hope
4. Humphrey Bogar
t5. Jack Lemmon
6. Kevin Kline
7. Tom Selleck (in a western)
8. John Cleese
9. George Clooney
10. Homer Simpson

1. Katharine Hepburn
2. Ruth Gordon
3. Madeline Kahn (KAAAAAAAAHN!!!)
4. Rachel Weisz
5. Tina Fey
6. Isabella Rossellini
7. Ingrid Bergman
8. Holly Hunter

Got any favorite actors/actresses yourself? Got any you’d be embarrassed to admit to? Come on, you can tell us…

And if you decide to play Ten on Tuesday for real, here’s a request from Yano:

Let’s start something new this week – if you post your link, make sure to check out and comment on the blogs of 2 other players. It’s always nice to see a comment, so spread the love. Who knows? You might find a new favorite blog out there! New players, let me know in your comment and I’ll add you to the blogroll.

And start thinking about next week’s topic – “10 Favorite Comedies.”


Ten more, totally unrelated:

randomness…feed your mind and your blog
week of April 6: Random Word Association

I say…you think:

1. red – blue
2. wash – dry
3. computer – program
4. land – sea
5. kiss – hug
6. trophy – Oscar
7. books – happiness!
8. shoe – fits
9. email – jokes
10. turkey – Thanksgiving

Boring answers, I’m afraid – I’m not so hot at this kind of thinking on my feet. I’m sure you can do better.

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  1. Those were good lists. I had trouble with the lists for the same reasons you do. I wish I had thought of Madeline Kahn. She was great.

  2. Lazy Daisy – I haven’t had a chance to check out your picks yet, but thanks for stopping by!

    Mike – I’m glad you’ve decided to join the fun. I saw Tall Paul looking over the DVD collection while he was making his lists, and I guess he remembered Madeline Kahn when he got to the Mel Brooks section.