Saturday Review 3-14

Saturday Review 3-14

New to my Google Reader Book, Line, and Sinker and its older sibling, Curly Wurly Gurly Kathfucious says…, a new venture from Kazoofus’ KathyHowe Flibbertigibbet Linus’s Blanket Several new additions via the new review-collection site Paperback Frenzy: Life in the Stupid Lane Dog Ear Diary Write for a Reader Stephanie’s Written Word Bloggin’ ’bout Books   Across the Blogiverse Appreciating the opportunity, and the choice, to be an American Speaking of choices: These reflections on […]

Saturday Review 3-7-09

Saturday Review 3-7-09

Bulletin Board **** Current Events Department: It’s BIRTHDAY MONTH! Sunshine is throwing the big party for all the March babies over at …and the pursuit of happiness. If this is your month, be sure to stop by and let her know! (I already have my button over in the sidebar.) And if you’re not fortunate enough to have been born during March, you’re not being left out of the fun – she has an “unbirthday” […]

Saturday Review 2-28-09

Bulletin Board ** This week’s announcement is actually me asking for a favor. ** The agenda for BlogHer’09 will include some member-programmed sessions under the umbrella “A Room of Your Own,” and the session that I have proposed was one of three featured this week on I’d love to see a Room for the book-blogging community: “Book Bloggers: So Many Words, So Little Time.”  There’s no guarantee that it will get on to the […]

Saturday Review 2-21-09

Saturday Review 2-21-09

I feel like the linkage is a little sparse this week, folks. Between work and that little distraction we had on Monday, I’ve just about been keeping up – so it won’t take you quite as long to catch up on the randomness here :-). And just in case you were wondering – my pinky finger is almost recovered, and most of our aches and sore spots are about gone, but a few bruises linger. […]

Saturday Review: Valentine’s Day edition

Saturday Review: Valentine’s Day edition

Just to give y’all a heads-up: there may be a drop-off in the posting pace around here during the next few weeks. The Busy Season (audit time) is coming around at work, and considering that, my family, and other responsibilities, I may have to cut back my appearances here at The 3 R’s from six days a week to three or four. This does NOT make me happy, but I do value my mental health […]

Saturday Review 2-7-09

Saturday Review 2-7-09

New in Google Reader Semicolon, on the books blogroll Petunia Face, via Blog Nosh Magazine Breaking the Dress Code, also via Blog Nosh Across the Blogiverse You’ve heard about the octuplets that were born here in Southern California last week – probably more than you ever wanted to. It was a local story that made national news pretty quickly, as well as inspiring a couple of posts here on the Los Angeles Moms Blog. Moms […]

Saturday Review 1-31-09

Saturday Review 1-31-09

Bulletin Board >> I’m “guest-professoring” the Weekend Assignment at Outpost Mâvarin again. Care to join in? Here’s the topic: Weekend Assignment #253: You’ve got no electricity, no Internet, no phone, and no car for two whole days. What do you do with yourself? Extra Credit: What do you usually do in real life when an evening power shortage leaves you in the dark? Post your answer on your own blog, and leave a link to […]

Saturday Review 1-17-08: Pre-long-weekend/Inauguration edition

Bulletin Board **** I screwed up and missed the official DeLurking Day this past Monday, so I issued a second-chance invitation for lurkers to come out and comment on Tuesday’s post. If you didn’t take me up on it then, please consider this your second second chance – speak up and say hello! **** Y’all know I participate in the “Weekend Assignment” writing exercises based at Outpost Mâvarin. Karen‘s been asking for topic ideas. I […]

Saturday Review – First Weekend of 2009 edition!

Saturday Review – First Weekend of 2009 edition!

Bulletin Board ***** Are you a book blogger living in California AND a member of the Book Blogs Ning group? I just discovered there’s a California Book Lovers sub-group over there (thanks to Natasha at Maw Books Blog for the tip-off; she actually mentioned another state’s book group, but that made me decide to go looking for my own) – why don’t you go ahead and join, too? And help spread the word! ***** ***** […]

The year in review, part three: Randomness

The year in review, part three: Randomness

This year – my first full year of blogging! – I established my postings on a general schedule, and as much as possible, I drafted posts in advance and used Blogger’s “scheduled posts” function (thank you for getting that out of draft, Blogger!) to publish. I tried to stick to one post per day, and by the second half of the year, I wasn’t usually posting on Sundays; they became my main writing and catch-up […]

The year in review, part 2: ‘Riting

Participating in NaBloPoMo last year was good experience in establishing a schedule for writing and posting, and I wanted to carry it forward into 2008. I was also discovering that I wanted to do more posts that gave me a chance to stretch my muscles with the “second R” in my blog title. Of the 157 posts (at this count) labeled as “‘riting,” 98 of them were done in 2008, so it looks like there’s […]

The year in review, part 1: Reading, featuring my Books of the Year

My Book Talk Master List, which is always linked in my sidebar, contains links to all the posts where I have reviewed books, and has been updated for 2008 year-to-date. Strictly from a number-crunching perspective, 35 books works out to about 1.5 weeks per book or 0.6 books per week, which is probably not bad generally, but for someone who counts herself as a member of the book-blogging community, it’s just sad. If I were […]