OK, so I fibbed a little. I wasn’t quite done talking about my experience at BlogHer in Chicago after all, but this piece was originally published elsewhere, so I didn’t really count it in with all of the other BlogHer’09 posts last week. Like a substantial number of women bloggers – including some that I actually have met, and many others that I’ve gotten to know online – I recently attended the BlogHer conference in […]
Tag: LA Moms Blog
Happy anniversary, a few days late…
I’ve never driven a “mom minivan” or worn the “mom uniform” (despite looking rather matronly for a number of years). My schedule isn’t governed by school functions and extra-curricular activities. I’m often seen with my husband, but without the kids. There may be people who know me and don’t even realize that I’m a mom. But even though I’m not on active duty these days – one child is out on his own, and two […]
The Mom Alarm: It works long range, and it’s never turned off
I probably should call it the “parent alarm,” since I know plenty of dads who have it too (I’ve been married to two of them). It comes as a free gift with the arrival of your first child, it’s always turned on and it works at any distance, and you don’t even realize it’s been installed until the first time it goes off. After nearly 25 years, mine is still functioning quite well. I spent […]
It’s just not a good time, baby
Do you ever get the feeling you’ve walked right into the middle of something? It was one of those dreams that was so vivid it was hard to shake off, and I’m still thinking about it. I realize that for some people it would be a wonderful dream, and one they really hope will be fulfilled. For me, it was definitely one that I’m glad was just a dream, and one I have no desire […]