This Week…Today
I really want to try to get a post up at the beginning of each week, either sometime on Sunday or first thing Monday. Don’t be surprised if it’s the only post that makes it some weeks–because I won’t be!–but I really like the weekly look back/look ahead so many of us do on weekends.
Books Report: Recent Reading
Audiobooks: In Such Good Company: Eleven Years of Laughter, Mayhem and Fun in the Sandbox by Carol Burnett reminisces about the making of her landmark comedy/variety TV show (1967-78). I grew up watching that show and I’ll say more about the book if I get time. But until then, I’ll tell you it was a delightful listen and a fine First Book of the Year (started and finished in the first week of 2018!). Also, this dress will never not be funny:

Print and e-books: I finished my last book of 2017 during the last weekend of the year. Mad World: An Oral History of the New Wave Artists and Songs that Defined the 1980s by Jonathan Bernstein and Lori Majewski was another trip down Memory Lane, except for the parts I missed the first time around. I would have liked a bit more about some of the artists (and lyrics to the featured songs). I also found the format a little repetitive, but overall this was a fun read.
This Saturday morning at Starbucks, I started reading Big Little Lies by Lian Moriarty. Many of you have probably read it already and/or watched the TV series. We didn’t have HBO when the show originally aired–and I’m not sure when I’d get around to watching it now that we do–but I’ve heard so much good about it that I decided to go to the source material.
And Some Reading ABOUT Reading
- If one of your goals for the new year is reading more/better–however that looks for you–both the LA Times and Apartment Therapy want to help. They have some of the same suggestions and you may have heard them all before, but I thought I’d pass them along anyway.
- Should you read that book about Donald Trump? I’m pretty sure my answer would be “no,” but here’s a guide to help you decide,
Screen Report: Recent Watching
We took advantage of the holiday hiatus for most of the shows in our DVR rotation to binge Season 1 of The Crown on Netflix. SO good, but we’re taking a little break before starting Season 2–it’s a lot of drama. Also, the recordings are starting up again and we don’t like to let those get too backlogged.
On that note, is anyone else watching the new episodes of The X-Files? We’re in, but I anticipate much yelling at the TV.
I have seen Star Wars: The Last Jedi twice. I liked it both times…and I choked up both times at the dedication to “our Princess, Carrie Fisher.”
In Other News, and The Week Ahead
January is such a weird month. The first full five-day work week of the year is bookended by two holiday-shortened ones. I’m starting this one by moving back to my old office with a new title: Assistant Vice President (AVP) of Finance. I suspect that for a while, it will look like a lot like what I did as Controller but with some added elements from my time as Interim CFO. The adventure continues, but I really hope the road will be a little less bumpy from here on out…
Back to the commute means back to audio in the car! I think I may be starting out the week with podcasts, though. Just like the DVR, I don’t like those to get too backlogged either. That will give me a few days to decide on my next audiobook, too.
And I will leave you today with a very tired dog. Sometimes daycare really leaves Winchester dog-tired!!
I don’t think I want to read the Trump book but have thought about buying it to support the author and publisher. I know that seems dumb but it’s true.
It’s definitely reasoning that makes sense to a book blogger ;-).
I don’t think I’ll be reading the trump book either, but I do like that more information is emerging about the craziness in the administration. I bet your new position will provide you with the right amount of challenges
The window curtain dress and that entire skit is still one of the funniest skits ever to broadcast on TV!
I am completely torn on whether I want to read or listen to Fire and Fury. I am afraid it will just make me angry and tie my stomach into knots, which pretty much happens any time I read the news.
Jim and I need to get to season two of The Crown. We adored the first season. Right now, I am binge-watching Outander. The first three seasons are available on On Demand but only through January 14th. I finished season one last night and have way too many episodes to go, but I will attempt to finish them all.
Outlander is my mother-in-law’s absolute favorite show, but I haven’t seen any of it (or read the books) yet. We did start Season 2 of The Crown but we’re parceling it out between our regular TV/DVR viewing now that most of our shows are back with new episodes,
And I’m glad you liked that little flashback to “Went With the Wind”?
I am pretty sure I saw Carol Burnett at one of my local restaurants a couple weeks ago. I managed to control myself and act cool like I didn’t even notice her. 🙂 I think I’ll skip the Donald Trump book, too.
You may well have seen her. I didn’t realize how celebrity-heavy Montecito was…until the mudslides. Hopefully they won’t bail on your town as it rebuilds!
I think Winchester is living the life. lol
I didn’t know the X-Files was on the air again! I must check into that.
The new season of The X-Files has improved with each episode so far, but I’m a little worried about the one coming up this week.