Sunday Status: Pre-Vacation Edition

Time: Late Saturday afternoon

Place: The sofa, armed with my iPad

Eating: Fewer things made with white sugar and flour, because of some bloodwork readings that my doctor didn’t like. The week before a vacation is probably not an ideal time for making dietary changes, but I’d rather start building a base of better habits before we leave as a hedge against overindulging while we’re gone. And after a few weeks of it adjusting to it, I think I may feel better both physically and psychically, but at this point I think it’s making me rather cranky and out of sorts.

Reading: I have never been one for “reading slumps,” but I am too preoccupied to make much headway in print lately. The blog-reading backlog isn’t nearly as bad as it’s been, and I feel better about that, but I’m just not getting very far with the books. I do have a short-term goal, though: I don’t want to bring my current read, What Changes Everything (fiction, June 2013) by Masha Hamilton, with me on vacation. We leave Friday morning, so I need to finish it by Thursday night. It’s a relatively short, not particularly dense novel that should be a fast read; I’m the one at fault for how long it’s taking, not the book. My attention span is definitely off!

Watching: We started tuning into Arrow on the CW about 2/3 into the season, and now we’re partaking in that classic pursuit, “catching up during summer reruns.” The critics are right that this show definitely improved over the course of its first season, but we haven’t had a fun “superhero soap opera” show since Smallville ended, and we’re enjoying Arrow more than we should, if measured against its objective quality.

There are only three episodes left in this next-to-last season of Mad Mena season that’s had some very weird moments, but has me as riveted as ever. I’ll miss it like crazy when it’s over, and I may blog about the season as a whole once it’s done and I’ve had time to reflect on it. We finished watching the “Netflix season” of Arrested Development a few days ago, and I’ll be posting my thoughts about that soon.

Listening: I may struggling with print reading right now, but I’m breezing through the audio of Lauren Graham’s debut novel, Someday, Someday, Maybeshe reads it herself, and it’s a charmer. Since June IS Audiobook Month, I think I’ll let the podcasts keep piling up and focus on reading by ear for the next few weeks.

Blogging: The forecast for June: Maintaining 3-4 posts per week, with content including Book Talks–mostly audio, but hopefully a couple of print books and maybe an e-book or two will make it in as well–some TV thoughts, Wordless Wednesdays, and possibly some online postcards from New England. Basically, more of the same, but possibly mixed with a little different. On that note…

Pondering: I really want to get back into my blogging groove, because I don’t like the way that being out of it is making me feel! That said, it’s entirely possible that the lack of sugar is as at least as big an influence as the lack of writing on my current state of mind. It’s also entirely possible that I just really need that vacation…

Enjoying: The prospect of a freshly-painted office and a new desk awaiting me when I return to work on June 25.

Avoiding: Packing and cleaning up my office in preparation for the painting and replacement of the desk–work is actually more appealing.
Anticipating: Waking up in Boston one week from today (we arrive on Friday)…and then getting into our rental car to drive up to the White Mountains in New Hampshire!

Gratuitous Photo of the Week
…because we’re headed to the movies again today, this time to see Much Ado About Nothing
How’s your weekend going?

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