You may have noticed I wasn’t around here much last week. Or maybe you didn’t. Lots of folks were doing the “bloggers IRL” thing at BlogHer’12 in New York City, which usually means that blogging is the last thing they have time for. We’re deep in the “dog days” of summer, and those vacation days are dwindling; most schools here will be back in session in another two or three weeks, depending on the district. And I’m seeing an end to my project-heavy summer at the office, but haven’t reached it yet. That said, I’ve been finding more time for reading blogs, but not so much for interacting–or writing my own posts.
And with that said, it should be noted that writing is, in its way, an exercise–and when you get out of the exercise habit, sometimes it’s best to ease back into it a little at a time. When I do get time to read posts, I save those that I want to respond to in my Readability list. That list is getting pretty long these days, but making those responses–even if they’re briefer and less timely than I’d like–is on my “exercise” agenda. In the meantime, we have this: a declaration of intentions.
I’m taking a long weekend off this Friday and Monday. It’ll definitely be a staycation–Tall Paul’s office is moving and he couldn’t get the time off, but that gives me time at home on my own. I will be indulging in a mini-readathon, and depending on how that goes, I have hopes for a mini-writeathon too. I miss having posts stockpiled! (And in the meantime, we have this.)
I’ve been keeping up the photo-posting, though, even as the blogging lags–I’m participating in #photoaday again in August. It’s much more fun than I expected it to be…
I took this hair-appointment-in-progress picture just for fun, but I I don’t intend to make a habit of this sort of unflattering self-portrait. I really hope there’s never any reason to use it for a #photoaday prompt.
Do you have any intentions for the week ahead that you’d like to mention?
– Posted using BlogPress from my iPad