BBAW: A reading meme

Via the BBAW Award-nominated Whatever (in the “Best Author Blog” category),  John Scalzi’s very own Reading Meme:

In response to all the “book reading memes” with which I am continually tagged, a new book-reading meme:
1. Open the book you’re currently reading to page 133.
2. Read the fourth line on the page.
3. Put the book back where it had been resting.
4. Tell no one of what it was you just did.
5. Think of five friends to tag with this meme.
6. Do not actually tag them. They are busy and have lives.
7. Go about your life as if nothing has happened.
8. Carry the secret of this meme to your grave.

Even the meme-averse might consider giving this one a shot.

***Don’t forget to enter my giveaway to win a personally-autographed copy of the paperback edition of Joshua Henkin’s novel Matrimony – the deadline is Sunday 9/21, and the details are here!****

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  1. That is just my kind of meme. Actually I LIKE memes, but this one is the best. I would have a hard time because I am reading, oh, probably five books at the same time, as always, and which one to choose to do this meme on? ha ha ha

  2. Kori – I can’t manage more than two books at a time, and even that’s rare for me. I’m a serially monogamous reader. How do you manage FIVE? But if you do this right, we’ll never know which book you chose :-).

    Mike – Yeah, I figured you had. I knew I wouldn’t have to tell you who Scalzi is.

    Marie – I’m not sure…I think posting it might actually violate Rule #8 :-).

  3. Oh My God.

    I’m waiting to hear about an advertising job – the industry of which is notoriously ageist. I can’t tell ya how many interviews i’ve been on where their faces dropped when they saw mine. I even went to the extreme of having injections in my face for my last one, a few days ago. Cut to today, and I’m still waiting to hear as I stew in my own fears and worries.

    So when I saw this meme, I couldn’t resist doing it. I picked up Arianna Huffington’s “On Becoming Fearless”, paged to 133, and read the fourth line. Which was comprised of two words:

    “years old.”

    I think I’ll go jump out a window now…