Scraptacular – April 1st (week) edition, no fooling!

New in Google Reader this weekFound via a MotherTalk Blog Tour:
Random Acts of Unkindness

You know that many parents are online, blogging about their lives and their kids. If you have the time to read the post and the comments here, you’ll have a ringside seat for an ongoing controversy/conversation on the evolution of community and commerce as experienced by mom-bloggers. Oh, and speaking of moms…regardless of whether the way we were parented affects our career success (or doesn’t), I thought this was an interesting outline of five mothering “types.” And in a week when I was off on a new variation of the “helicopter-parent” rant, I found a mom who is making the choice not to be one, because she gets that it’s supposed to be about her daughter, not her. And in related news, Busy Mom contemplates Parenting: The Next Chapter – The Teen Years, Volume One: “Where is the line between (teaching) independence and neglect?” (I think it might be somewhere in Mid-Century Modern Moms territory…)

Yes, you and your kids do have to talk about it, and here are some sensible thoughts about how to approach it. In light of some of its “side effects,” here’s a thoughtful, measured discussion of ethics, wisdom, and the movie Juno. Also somewhat related is an interesting finding, perhaps not all that surprising – but a C-section delivery really was a minor factor in my own decision to have just one child.

Children are certainly one of those “major life changes” that we’ve all been through – and will go through. When we do, they have some side effects to be aware of – it’s not just you, it goes with the territory.

Thanks to PunditMom for the heads-up about “Gender Inequality in Whoville.

And regarding the furry members of the family…some totally on-target thoughts about the real cost of pets (they’re worth it, though…).

I’ll spare y’all another one of my LA traffic rants, and instead offer some thoughts from the East Coast, where public transportation doesn’t necessarily make things all that much better.

Have you heard that April is Financial Literacy Month? (And did you notice that Tax Day falls smack in the middle of it? Something tells me that might not be coincidence…) It might be a good time to get to know some of the great personal-finance blogs out there; and while you’re on the subject, think about ways to teach money skills to your kids. (Yes, I wrote it, but it’s topical, and maybe you didn’t read it yet.)

Just a typical (April Fool’s) day in the (evil) HR department.

BirdieRoark’s take on a recently-released study discussing the “engagement gap” between corporations and their employees contains some solid observations.

Top 10 things about…pneumonia (?)

The story of a beautiful friendship

Useful everyday superpowers – the ability to resist buying books is not one of them

For those of you who like to be the first to read a book – and then blog about it – here’s a new source for them. Thanks to Dewey at The Hidden Side of a Leaf for the tip-off.

I’m afraid I must disagree with this one: proofreading should never go out of style. If it’s worth writing on your blog, it is worth taking a few minutes for spell- and grammar-checking. You might still miss something, but it will read and sound better.

Enjoy your weekend, and hope to see you back here soon!

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  1. I’m totally with you on the typo thing. There’s one commentor who said something to the effect of it’s allowing Good Enough to be the status quo.

    If I learned one thing in the years I spent working on an unofficial Metallica fan convention, it’s that Good Enough rarely is.

    That chick lost a potential reader. I’m sure she’s caring; what she’s got now is good enough.

  2. I’ve got two “everyday” superpowers, neither of them terribly useful: the ability to walk into a Hallmark and find the perfect card almost immediately; and the uncanny knack of knowing when a new Alan Parsons album is coming out.

    I doubt anyone will ever pay me to use these powers for good not evil…..

  3. Susan – Exactly. It’s rationalizing lowered standards, and once enough people do that, it’s hard to bring them back up.

    ShortWoman – I didn’t realize there had even been a new Alan Parsons album in years. I actually wouldn’t mind having your Hallmark “superpower,” though.

  4. Mike – Don’t be. I just noticed that I have to correct the title of this post – granted, “scraptacular” is a made-up word, but I spelled it wrong! There’s irony for you. :-/