TBIF – Thank blog it’s Friday! This week in memes and books

Musing Monday, hosted at Just One More Page Today’s MUSING MONDAYS post is about new authors… What is your policy when it comes to new authors? Do you feel comfortable purchasing a book or do you prefer to borrow new authors from the library? How often do you ‘try out’ a new author? (Here’s a new addition to the TBIF Gallery; my plan is to participate whenever the question grabs me, as this one did.) […]

TBIF: Thank blog it’s Friday! This week in memes and books

Tuesday Thingers: Questions for LibraryThing users, hosted at Wendi’s Book Corner This week’s question: Were you aware of the LT Early Reviewers Program? Have you received any books from the program? If you have, how have you liked the book(s)? Any other thoughts on the LTER program? My Answer: Great timing for this question, since Febrary LTER recipients were notified this week, and the March list is on its way! I opened my LibraryThing account […]

TBIF: Thank blog it’s Friday! This week in memes and books, 2/27/08

Mailbox Monday, hosted at The Printed Page I have it on good authority – that would be Marcia, founder of “Mailbox Monday” – that this meme is meant for mentioning any new arrivals on your bookshelves, whether they came through the mail or not. I have two newbies from a trip to Borders last weekend. We were actually not there for the usual reason; we were looking for some reading glasses for Tall Paul, who […]

TBIF: Thank blog it’s Friday! This week in memes and books

Tuesday Thingers: questions for LibraryThing users, hosted at Wendi’s Book Corner This week, our question is inspired by all the group threads that are dedicated to finding the next great book to review. In order review books on your blog – you’ve got to GET books! Today’s question: How do you get your books for reviewing? Do you track them somehow (excel, database, etc), or just put them in a TBR (To Be Read for […]

TBIF: Thank blog it’s Friday (the 13th)! This week in memes

Mailbox Monday, hosted at The Printed Page I’m not sure whether I should really include these books in “Mailbox Monday,” since I don’t normally announce books that I buy in posts. Also, technically, these were left at my door by UPS and weren’t in the mailbox. But they did come from Amazon.com, and were mostly paid for by gift certificate, so in a way someone else bought them (or at least two of them, anyway). […]

TBIF – Thank blog it’s Friday! A week’s worth of meme-ery (2-6-09)

Tuesday Thingers: Questions for LibraryThing Users, hosted at Wendi’s Book Corner Today’s question: Do you post links to your reviews? Here on Library Thing, or anywhere else? How else do you like to promote your site? My Answer: I post an excerpt and a link to each book review I post in the book’s record on LibraryThing, but I’m not active in the forums there, so I don’t link anywhere else on the site. Right […]

TBIF – Thank blog it’s Friday! A week’s worth of meme-ery, 1-30-09

Tuesday Thingers: Questions for LibraryThing users, hosted at Wendi’s Book Corner Library Thing is attempting to gain help from librarians and readers alike to redo the old Dewey Decimal system of book classification, creating a newer system called Open Shelves Classification or OSC (click on the link to read a little about the vision on the LT Blog). The librarians have already helped to create the main categories, and they are now looking for readers […]

TBIF 1-23-09: A week of meme-ery

TBIF 1-23-09: A week of meme-ery

Mailbox Monday, hosted at The Printed Page I’ve never participated in Mailbox Monday before, and I doubt I’ll be able to do it often, since I really don’t get all that many books in the mail. Last week was unusual, though, and four new books came my way thanks to the Post Office – all of them are for review, and I hope to get to them sooner rather than later. Last Wednesday, I received […]

Booking Through Thursday on Monday: Behind the music (and lyrics)

Booking Through Thursday: Sing! Sing a Song… But, enough about books … Other things have words, too, right? Like … songs! If you’re anything like me, there are songs that you love because of their lyrics; writers you admire because their songs have depth, meaning, or just a sheer playfulness that has nothing to do with the tunes. So, today’s question? What songs … either specific songs, or songs in general by a specific group or […]

TBIF: Thank blog it’s Friday! 1-16-09 – a week’s worth of memes

TBIF: Thank blog it’s Friday! 1-16-09 – a week’s worth of memes

Tuesday Thingers: Questions for LibraryThing users, hosted at Wendi’s Book Corner Today’s question: A few weeks ago, someone told me about the Common Knowledge feature of Library Thing. The statistics and basic information can be found through a link at the bottom of any page. Currently there are over 869,540* facts that have been entered. How do they get there? We add them! It took me a while to figure out that you enter them […]

TBIF: Thank blog it’s Friday! Weekly Memes Day 1-9-09

TBIF: Thank blog it’s Friday! Weekly Memes Day 1-9-09

Tuesday Thingers: Questions for LibraryThing users, hosted at Wendi’s Book Corner Today’s question:  Did you know that there are 1497 authors participating in LibraryThing Authors? If you haven’t checked it out, head over for a moment and see if you can find out something new about an author! If you don’t have time to go snooping, have you ever looked at the LT Author page before? Did you know that it is for authors and […]

TBIF: Thank blog it’s Friday! Happy New Year edition

Tuesday Thingers: Questions for LibraryThing users, hosted at Wendi’s Book Corner Today’s question: Here is a list of the main areas of Library Thing: 1. Home (http://www.librarything.com/, before you log in) 2. Home (once you log in, contains Your Home, Your Profile, Connections, Recommendations, Reviews, Statistics, Clouds, Gallery, Memes) 3. Profile (Recent activity, tags, comments, members with your books) 4. Your Library 5. Your Tags 6. Add Books 7. Talk 8. Groups 9. Local 10. […]