Josie’s Internet-Dating Dispatches: A pursuit that’s not for the faint of heart

Josie’s Internet-Dating Dispatches: A pursuit that’s not for the faint of heart

Today’s guest post comes from quite a distance, and from a blogger I’ve only recently met myself: Josie Speaks Up all the way from Australia! She’s a (young) widowed teacher with one four-legged child (dog variety), and she’s relatively new to blogging. When Josie offered me her take on this particular topic, I went for it because her experience with it is a bit different from mine: many of y’all know that Tall Paul and […]

Jeanne’s Overlooked-Book Spotlight: *Halfway Human*, by Carolyn Ives Gilman

Jeanne’s Overlooked-Book Spotlight: *Halfway Human*, by Carolyn Ives Gilman

Please welcome Jeanne from Necromancy Never Pays to The 3 R’s today! Jeanne’s blog is particularly known for thoughtful discussions of genre fiction and poetry. She has a PhD in English, is a college Writing Center Director at a liberal arts college in Ohio, and loves cats, caviar, satire, musical theater, and hot weather. Rhetorically speaking, Carolyn Ives Gilman’s science fiction novel Halfway Human is the most interesting thing I’ve read since I first moved to […]

YA on YA: More *Mockingjay* (with MORE spoilers)

YA on YA: More *Mockingjay* (with MORE spoilers)

Presenting a young-adult take on a young-adult novel: this is a guest post from my almost-16-year-old stepdaughter, Katie (Caitlin). Two people in my house read Suzanne Collins’ Mockingjay last week, and we had rather different responses to it, which basically makes my house a microcosm of the novel’s readership. Having already posted my own reaction, I invited Katie to share hers here – she had some venting to do! Katie says: I read Mockingjay by […]

Seen on the Scene: Reading in Public, by Lisa (Lit and Life)

Seen on the Scene: Reading in Public, by Lisa (Lit and Life)

Lisa blogs at Lit and Life, and her title pretty well sums up the content of her “primarily but not exclusively books” blog. She’s a married Midwestern mom of three (including a recent high-school graduate), book club leader, reading-challenge enthusiast, and columnist for Please welcome today’s guest blogger to The 3 R’s, as she shares what she’s learned about the reading lifestyles of the rich and famous! When I first talked to Florinda about […]

“Read It? Then Review It!”, by Susan Helene Gottfried (West of Mars)

Rockin’ author Susan Helene Gottfried has endeared herself to giveaway-hosting book bloggers by promoting their contests on her Win a Book blog. She’s also made groupies out of many readers with her short fiction about the heavy-metal band ShapeShifter, which she has published on her main blog, West of Mars, and in two collections (so far). Susan is working to get her full-length novel about the band, Trevor’s Song, into the hands of those groupies […]

Fact in Fiction, by Kim (Sophisticated Dorkiness)

Fact in Fiction, by Kim (Sophisticated Dorkiness)

Kim blogs at Sophisticated Dorkiness, which is an awesome concept and one of my favorite blog titles. Kim is a recent journalism-school graduate and works as an editor. She’s also the founder and co-host of the Blog Improvement Project and part of the Weekly Geeks team. One of the things I most appreciate about her blog is its focus on narrative nonfiction – and since it was shortlisted for “Best Nonfiction Review Blog” in the […]

Shelves Full of Stories, by Kori (See Kori Rant)

Shelves Full of Stories, by Kori (See Kori Rant)

Kori‘s blog is See Kori Rant…and that title is pretty self-explanatory, actually, but in a good way. This single mother of four is not afraid to put the personal in her personal blog, and to share the ups and downs of life. But when she’s not experiencing or writing about those ups and downs, she loves to escape into a good book. Please welcome today’s guest blogger to The 3 R’s, as she tells a […]

Clearing Out the Blog Closet, by Molly (The Bumbles Blog)

Clearing Out the Blog Closet, by Molly (The Bumbles Blog)

Molly is co-author (with her husband Andy) of The Bumbles Blog, which manages to combine the attributes of being both eclectic and focused, thanks to its daily, recurring themes. Proud to be niche-less, they created the Monday Movie Meme, and post about books, movies, photos, sports, and fun during the rest of the week. They focus on blog and tech topics on Fridays; I’m a fan of their “blogging confessional” feature BlogAnon, where they discuss […]

“Why Read?” asks Melina (Reading Vacation)

“Why Read?” asks Melina (Reading Vacation)

Melina of Reading Vacation is one of the youngest book bloggers around – she’s actually in the demographic for the middle-grade and YA books she reviews! However, her writing and blogging accomplishments are well beyond her years. She was an eager participant in Armchair BEA, and she made quite an impression on everyone she met. Please welcome today’s guest blogger to The 3 R’s, as she asks (and answers) a question for all ages: “Why […]

Teresa’s Summer Reading Challenge

Teresa’s Summer Reading Challenge

Teresa is a contributor to the Los Angeles Moms Blog, but has thus far resisted the call to establish her own little corner of the Internet. However, she can sometimes be found in Café World or playing Scrabble on Facebook – when she can wrest the computer away from her sons, that is. She has guest-posted here before, and I’ve been lucky (so far) that she hasn’t taken the opportunity to rat me out in […]

Eyes on the (Orange) Prize, by Carrie (Nomadreader)

Eyes on the (Orange) Prize, by Carrie (Nomadreader)

Nomadreader (Carrie) produces the blog of the same name, where she’s just as likely to review movies as books. She’s an “almost librarian” whose favorite novel is Curtis Sittenfeld’s American Wife, and she has just launched the 20 Under 40 Reading Project, celebrating the literary voices of her generation. Please welcome today’s guest blogger to The 3 R’s, as she talks about the reading project she almost completed in time for last week’s Orange Prize […]

Book Talk: *Going in Circles* with Mike (Everything Under the Sun)

Book Talk: *Going in Circles* with Mike (Everything Under the Sun)

Mike is one of my longest-standing blog buddies. He’s been a frequent commenter here for the last couple of years, and has blogged at Everything Under the Sun since early 2008 (and we met in person last year – for the record, he doesn’t look like Bender from Futurama in real life).  He’s a married father of two who works some very odd hours, and his blog topics are wide-ranging; they have been known to […]