Friday Filler – the Better-Than-Nothing edition

Yes, I know it’s Friday Fill-INS, but I haven’t had much writing or blog-reading time this week and wouldn’t be posting at all today if it weren’t for this – let’s be honest, it’s filler. But it does mention some of the things that have been going on to keep me from blog-reading and writing…


1. Why does it take so much longer to get something done when you didn’t want to do it in the first place?

2. Q is equal to Z and J but not X in Words With Friends point value.

3. My favorite breakfast includes really good coffee.

4. Skipping a Beat by Sarah Pekkanen was the last book I read on my Kindle (and I reviewed it yesterday). 

5. I am SO glad I am giving myself a four-day weekend for my birthday – I’ll be off work till Wednesday!

6. Finishing those reports for the auditors AND having some blog posts drafted for next week would make me feel better right now.

7. And as for the weekend, tonight I’m looking forward to just being done with the week, tomorrow my plans include coffee with my sister and some stuff around the house and Sunday, I want to enjoy the family get-together for my dad’s birthday (yes, we’re within a week of each other; his was this Wednesday, mine is next Tuesday)!

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