There’s been no shortage of silly quizzes in these parts lately, so here’s one with a little substance for a change.
Gretchen Rubin recently posted about the “five-factor personality model” and a new book that explains it. It sounds interesting. In summary, the factors are:
1. Extraversion – response to reward
2. Neuroticism – response to threat
3. Conscientiousness – response inhibition (self-control, planning)
4. Agreeableness – regard for others
5. Openness to Experience – breadth of mental associations
She also provided a link to the online version of a questionnaire at the end of the book which evaluates respondents on each of the five dimensions. I’m usually up for taking a personality test; sometimes I learn something, sometimes my impressions are confirmed (validation!), and sometimes the questions and answers don’t quite mesh for me and I get some unexpected results. This one is short and fairly straightforward, but don’t neglect the demographic questions at the beginning or it won’t accept your answers. (It assumes you’re British, by the way…you’ll see.)
For me, this quiz looks pretty solid – here are my results, with explanations of what they mean (Highest score = Relatively high; lowest score = Relatively low):
Your score was: Relatively Low. (No surprise at all here – I’ve owned up to my introverted tendencies before.)
Your score was: Medium High (No real surprise here either, just a little disappointment that I haven’t improved in this respect – becoming less so, that is – as much as I’d thought/hoped I had.)
Your score was: Medium High (Hey, I’m a “controller” – my business card says so! I think this score is about right.)
Your score was: Medium High (So I’m a sociable, agreeable introvert? That sounds about right to me, actually, if a bit counter-intuitive.)
Your score was: Medium High (I don’t know about this one…I think I’m pretty practical most of the time. However, I know I’m a bit eccentric, and I’ve certainly become more open and adventurous in the last few years; turning 40 was good for me. I guess I’m open to this score’s accuracy.)