Labor Day, and some people are working…

…or at least writing things to make us think about working. I’ve come to suspect that too much time spent with “productivity” websites can have the exact opposite effect, so I’m looking to sites like Lifehacker and to find what’s worthwhile for me to check out, and Lifehack’s pointing to a few good ones today. This post about “being selfish with your time” addresses boundary-setting and the ways that “just say no” really can […]

Just finished: “The Good Life”

Just finished: “The Good Life”

The Good LifeJay McInerney When I was young, I often re-read my favorite books. As I’ve gotten older, I’ve become far less likely to do so, probably due to a combination of less time to read in the first place and so many appealing new books I haven’t gotten to yet. Brightness Falls by Jay McInerney is one of the few novels I’ve read multiple times since I left my 20’s. Russell and Corrine Calloway […]


The book I’m currently reading (which I expect to finish and review no later than this weekend) has gotten me thinking about class in America, the original “classless society.” (That’s technically not the same as a society with “no class,” although sometimes it turns out that way.) As far as reading is concerned, there seems to be more genuine drama to be found at either end of the class spectrum, especially as the ends seems […]

So, what have we learned?

I believe in karma. I believe that what goes around comes around. And thanks to my deep Catholic roots – even if that plant’s not getting much water lately – I believe in penance. I’ve spent most of the last two days doing it. My conflicted relationship with my job is becoming an old story around here. But we’ve spent a lot of time together for the last couple of days – 12 hours at […]