The best laid plans

So here it is, two weeks before we leave for Tennessee, and I really should be working more than I am today. And as if there weren’t enough things to worry about, we get to add one more – Mom-in-law took a fall and will have her leg in a cast for several weeks, so she can’t drive and probably won’t be walking so well either – and she’s our designated dogsitter. Either TallGuy and the stepkids will be making the 2-hour-plus drive to her place and back to drop off Princess Fuzzybutt the day before he and I fly out, or she’ll have to drive up with a friend and stay in a hotel for the weekend, and they can drive back home on Sunday with a four-legged passenger. Then we need to figure out how to get our critter back home. TallGuy was planning to call Mom-in-law back and advocate for Option #2, so I’ll get an update later.

And then there are the things I had a head start on worrying about:

  • The Introduction of the Husbands – First to TallGuy
  • Seeing First Husband and his Mrs. for the first time in the nearly five years since I left Memphis. At least there’s 20 lbs. less of me to be seen (give or take…we’ll see how well my WW tracking goes between now and departure)
  • Whether TallGuy can handle the Southern heat and humidity, which is so different from the California heat and dryness that we already know he has trouble with
  • Hoping nothing derails the graduation at the last minute or anywhere near it
  • All the basic logistical stuff – making our flights, getting the car, not getting lost, what to pack…

Roseanne Rosannadanna was right, it’s always something. And when it’s not something you can actually do much about, it really needs to be something you spend less of your energy on. Let’s see if I can actually manage that. I should start by getting some work done.

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