Warm-ups (Weekend Assignment #295)

Warm-ups (Weekend Assignment #295)

Karen, our Weekend Assignment host, lives in the usually hot Arizona desert, but asks about winter weather this week: Weekend Assignment #295: Even in Tucson, things can get a bit chilly on December nights. What is your favorite way to keep warm? Extra Credit: What is the temperature setting on your thermostat? Right now, the thermostat is set at 73, but the heat’s not turned on. I’ll switch it on and lower it to 69 […]

Thank you, 21st Century! (Weekend Assignment #294)

Thank you, 21st Century! (Weekend Assignment #294)

Karen is still thinking about holidays with this Weekend Assignment: Weekend Assignment #294: Thanksgiving is upon us, and it’s traditional to ask what you’re thankful for this year. But let’s tweak that a bit. As we prepare to finish off the first decade of a new century, let’s take a moment to appreciate the good things that have come about since 12/31/1999. What aspect of living in the 21st century are you most thankful about? […]

Sights and Sounds of the Season (Weekend/Wednesday Assignment #293)

Sights and Sounds of the Season (Weekend/Wednesday Assignment #293)

Is it beginning to look a lot like Christmas in your neck of the woods? Weekend Assignment #293: Halloween is behind us, Thanksgiving ahead, and Christmas advertising has begun. So how about it? When do the holidays begin for you? Do you avoid thinking about Christmas and Hanukkah until after Thanksgiving, or is any time after Halloween okay? Is it time for Christmas lights in your neighborhood, and do the neighbors agree with you? How […]

This Old Thing? (Weekend Assignment #292)

This Old Thing? (Weekend Assignment #292)

This week’s Weekend Assignment question is a simple one, but may require a bit of thought. Even if you don’t normally participate in these things, please take a moment to answer it in the comments below. Weekend Assignment #292: What is the oldest thing in your house or apartment? Extra Credit: Is there anything from your childhood that you’ve managed to hang on to all these years? I have to be honest: When I read […]

Just Sick About It! (Weekend Assignment #290)

Just Sick About It! (Weekend Assignment #290)

Because real life tends to get in the way sometimes, Karen‘s bad head cold has inspired this Weekend Assignment: Weekend Assignment #290: Are you one of those lucky people who hardly ever get sick, or do you tend to catch every cold or flu or virus that comes along? And when you do get some infectious disease, do you stay home, or try to keep going? Extra Credit: Are you getting a flu shot this […]

Quitting time – times 5! (Weekend Assignment #289)

Weekend Assignment #289: Sooner or later, we all quit something that was once important to us: a job, school, a club, an addiction, a relationship, and probably other things I haven’t thought of. Tell us about something you quit, and why you did so. Extra Credit: Did you ever regret your decision? Don’t call me a quitter; I don’t call myself one. Having said that, I’ve done my share of quitting at one thing or […]

Whose day? Columbus Day! Or just another Monday? (Weekend Assignment #288)

Weekend Assignment #288: Columbus Day seems to have become a largely disregarded and maligned holiday in recent years, as the dark side of the explorer’s legacy has made inroads in the public’s perception. Do you think that the voyages of Christopher Columbus still merit a national holiday? Why or why not? And if not, what holiday would you propose to replace it? Extra Credit: Did you even get Columbus Day off from work or school […]

Moving right along…where to? (Weekend Assignment #287)

Moving right along…where to? (Weekend Assignment #287)

Helping a friend move inspired Karen‘s writing-topic assignment this week: Weekend Assignment #287: Do you tend to settle in one place and stay there, or do circumstances or inclination dictate that you move fairly often across the street or across the country? Do you feel you’ve found your “forever” locale, if not your “forever” home? Extra Credit: To the best of your recollection, how many times in your life have you moved? EC first, because […]

So far to go: a travel-themed Weekend Assignment (#286)

So far to go: a travel-themed Weekend Assignment (#286)

Karen once worked for a travel agency, and travel is on her mind for this Weekend Assignment: Weekend Assignment: #286: What is the #1 place you’d like to visit that you haven’t been to yet? Do you think it’s likely that you’ll ever get there? I really don’t have big ambitions to see the world, which is pretty sad when I think about it. There are a few European countries I’d like to visit some […]

Lost and (reluctantly) Found (Weekend Assignment #285)

Lost and (reluctantly) Found (Weekend Assignment #285)

Karen‘s Weekend Assignment this week is a timely one for me, since I’m actually trying to lose something I hadn’t wanted to find again after losing it once before: Weekend Assignment #285: Tell us about something important that you lost. Extra Credit: Tell us about something you found. I lost weight. It stayed lost for a while, but I can no longer ignore the fact that I’ve found it again. Just about six years ago, […]

There’s a first time for everything (a belated Weekend Assignment)

The title of this post may be misleading – I don’t think this actually is my first belated Weekend Assignment. But since Book Blogger Appreciation Week took over the blog last week, I asked Karen for an extension on this one: Weekend Assignment: #284: Tell us about your first day of…well, anything, really. It could be your first day in school, your first day as a legal adult, your first day in a new town […]

Dog Can Haz Cheezburger? (Weekend Assignment #281)

Dog Can Haz Cheezburger? (Weekend Assignment #281)

For this Weekend Assignment, I ventured to a website I had successfully avoided for years. In order to fulfill Karen‘s instructions, I had to enter the wild world of I Can Haz Cheezburger. Weekend Assignment: #281: Create a LOLcat (or a LOLdog, or a LOLpig, a LOLhorse or whatever). If you can do it with your own pet photo, great, but alternatively you can just describe what it would look like. Don’t forget the humorous […]