Week-End Review, 11-6 – Friday On My Mind

New Arrivals in my Google Reader

Lit and Life
Steele on Entertainment
Average Girl Reads
Meg’s Idle Chatter
Shona’s Bookshelves
Gen Xtinct (this is for my fellow lost children of the ’70’s and ’80’s!)
My Sandwich Generation (for my fellow children whose parents may be in their 70’s and 80’s)

The end of the year is rushing toward us, accompanied by THE HOLIDAYS! Book bloggers have their own way to celebrate: The Book Blogger Holiday Swap!

What the heck is that? It’s a Secret Santa gift exchange open to book bloggers all over the world, now in its third year. The FAQ tells you all you need to know!

Now, does that sound like fun? Want to get in on it? Sign up before the deadline of November 12!

And as you’re looking for the perfect gift for that book blogger – or for ANYONE on your list, really – remember that the Buy Books For the Holidays campaign is back on for 2009! (It was mentioned in the Shelf Awareness e-newsletter this week, too!)

Celebrate the holiday season virtually, with your blogging buddies, during the week of December 7-11 – sign up to participate in the Progressive Dinner Party! (Virtual food and drink has no calories!) Share your favorite holiday recipes and decorating and entertainment ideas – more details are on the way.

***Tomorrow, Saturday, November 7, is National Bookstore Day – and there’s only ONE way to celebrate that!***

Dispatches: Links of the Week

50 things you should know if you start a blog today (and wouldn’t hurt even if you’ve been doing this for a while) (via @PaulaatAME on Twitter); a link about the value of proper linking (via a link from Cathy at Kittling: Books); starting a conversation about commenting practices

School standards that don’t make sense

Remember the children…because you can’t remember anything else! Also: a mother rebels against the reading log; kids learn responsibility by being responsibile

It seems I’m guilty of stereotyping in assuming that Alaskans cocoon at home during their very long, very cold winters – check out 29 winter activities in and around Anchorage

A time capsule of slang (Far out, man! Dig it! Groovy!)

Trick or treat! I DEMAND particular candy!

Yeah, it’s not my favorite holiday either – let’s rename New Year’s Eve

Has the computer ruined your handwriting, too? It certainly hasn’t been good for mine!

Yes, It Actually IS Your Job, via Not Always Right

Call Center | Tennessee, USA
(I was helping a user in one of our accounting firm’s remote offices.)
Caller: “My email isn’t working!”
Me: “Okay, what seems to be the problem?”
Caller: “I already said, my email isn’t working!”
Me: “Okay, so is it not sending email, or is it not opening?”
Caller: “It’s not sending email. This is pathetic! I don’t have
time for this!”
Me: “I am here to help you. Does it say ‘connected’ at the lower right hand of the screen?”
Caller: “I don’t know, this isn’t my job! It’s yours, so fix it!”
Me: “I am trying to, sir, but I will need your help with fixing this issue remotely.”
Caller: “No, that’s not what I get paid to do. I am an accountant! I’m not supposed to know how to use a computer!”

Sometimes I’m embarrassed for my profession, and this was one of them.

Happy Friday, y’all!

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  1. Awww, thanks for the linky love!
    I'm off the read the post about renaming New Years. Sounds intriguing!

    I never had good handwriting, so I'm glad I can now type everything 🙂

  2. Julie – Happy to help spread the word. See you there :-)!

    Ti – I usually put the more amusing ones at the end, to wrap up on a lighter note. Glad you enjoyed the links!

    Amy RGB – You wouldn't figure a bunch of bookworms to be so sociable, and yet we are :-).

    Gael – I hope I've sent you some new readers! I've been following Pop Culture Junk Mail for a long time, so I had to keep up with your new adventure too. Thanks for coming by!

    April – If that's what it takes to get you to come by and comment… 🙂 I've missed seeing you around here!

  3. Karen – Well, there's my dad, who's still not completely retired from accounting at the age of 80, but my sister has computerized all of his work. (We're kind of afraid to let him try using a computer, to be honest.) But assuming we're not talking about someone like him…yeah, it's pretty hard to imagine.

  4. I'm going to try and buy mostly books this year for people, but unfortunately it won't be the sole gift I give. As tempting as it is, I think some might see it as being kin to getting coal in their stocking. LOL

    I bring out quite a few of those old slang terms I grew up with now and then. 🙂

    Thanks as always for the links, Florinda.

  5. Wendy (Literary Feline) – Most people who get books from me will get something else in addition too, probably. But most likely no one will get books for me – they're scared to :-). Of course, I do have an "official" wish list on LibraryThing now, so that could help them out!